
From The Apple Wiki

FBSSystemService is a private class introduced in iOS 8 for supplying various system actions.


Signature +(FBSSystemService *)sharedService;
Available in 8.0 —

Create FBSSystemService singleton.

Signature -(void)sendActions:(NSSet *)actions withResult:(id *)result;
Available in 8.0 —

This method can send appropriate system-related actions. For examples, SBSRestartRenderServerAction and SBSRelaunchAction actions.

Relaunch SpringBoard with relaunch URL

	// Also link FrontBoardServices and SpringBoardServices to your project
	NSURL *relaunchURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"prefs:root=DISPLAY&path=MAGNIFY"];

        // Fade to black only (iOS 8 Display Zoom's method)
	SBSRestartRenderServerAction *restartAction = [SBSRestartRenderServerAction restartActionWithTargetRelaunchURL:relaunchURL];
        // Fade to black, then boot screen
        SBSRelaunchAction *restartAction = [SBSRelaunchAction actionWithReason:@"RestartRenderServer" options:4 targetURL:relaunchURL];

	[[FBSSystemService sharedService] sendActions:[NSSet setWithObject:restartAction] withResult:nil];