Dev:Updating extensions for iOS 13

From The Apple Wiki

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SBApplication -(FBScene*)mainScene removed

-[SBApplication mainScene] was removed in iOS 13. It can be accessed from a SBApplication by replacing [myApp mainScene] with the following:

[[FBSceneManager sharedInstance] sceneWithIdentifier:[myApp _baseSceneIdentifier]]

myApp being the name of your SBApplication instance.


This class was removed entirely with iOS 13. Root Icon Lists are now instances of SBIconListView.

Home Screen Layout



Layout handling in iOS 13 now uses SBIconListFlowLayouts. These are provided by an instance of SBHDefaultIconListLayoutProvider.

This alone handles row/column count. It also contains a SBIconListGridLayoutConfiguration, which controls the spacing and location of icons.


This class contains several properties that can be modified to alter the layout.

Selectors of interest include portraitLayoutInsets and landscapeLayoutInsets. These return an instance of UIEdgeInsets that can be used to manipulate layout.

Modifying number of rows and columns

It now depends on "where" you want to change the number of rows and columns. If you want to adjust the values for the icons in Home Screen (and Home Screen with Today widgets in iPad), you can conditionally apply that for the icon location SBIconLocationRoot*, like so:

%hook SBHDefaultIconListLayoutProvider

- (SBIconListGridLayout *)makeLayoutForIconLocation:(NSString *)iconLocation {
	SBIconListGridLayout *layout = %orig;
	if ([iconLocation hasPrefix:@"SBIconLocationRoot"]) {
		SBIconListGridLayoutConfiguration *config = [layout valueForKey:@"_layoutConfiguration"];
		config.numberOfLandscapeRows += 1;
		config.numberOfLandscapeColumns += 2;
		config.numberOfPortraitRows += 1;
		config.numberOfPortraitColumns += 2;
	return layout;


Generating an apps icon image

Previously an icon image could be generated from an icon object like so

SBIcon *icon = someIcon;
UIImage *iconImage = [icon generateIconImage:2];

In iOS 13 this method was changed to -generateIconImageWithInfo:(struct SBIconImageInfo)info

struct SBIconImageInfo {
    CGSize size;
    CGFloat scale;
    CGFloat continuousCornerRadius;
SBIconController *iconController = [NSClassFromString(@"SBIconController") sharedInstance];
SBIcon *icon = [iconController.model expectedIconForDisplayIdentifier:@""];

CGSize imageSize = CGSizeMake(60, 60);

struct SBIconImageInfo imageInfo;
imageInfo.size  = imageSize;
imageInfo.scale = [UIScreen mainScreen].scale;
imageInfo.continuousCornerRadius = 12;

UIImage *iconImage = [icon generateIconImageWithInfo:imageInfo];