(Redirected from FRAppliance)
The Applications that AppleTV.app of the Apple TV uses.
Creation of an App
At the moment you can create FRAppliances within Xcode by using the headers that NitoTV posted. You cant assemble them using Xcode but must use make.
GO_EASY_ON_ME=1 export SDKVERSION=4.0 FW_DEVICE_IP=AppleTV.local include theos/makefiles/common.mk BUNDLE_NAME = HW HW_FILES = Classes/HWAppliance.mm Classes/HWBasicMenu.m HW_INSTALL_PATH = /Applications/Lowtide.app/Appliances HW_BUNDLE_EXTENSION = frappliance HW_LDFLAGS = -undefined dynamic_lookup #-L$(FW_PROJECT_DIR) -lBackRow include $(FW_MAKEDIR)/bundle.mk after-install:: install.exec "killall -9 Lowtide"
and execute using build.sh
IP_ADDRESS=AppleTV.local echo "Always clean up first!" echo "" make clean echo "Making..." echo "" make echo "Make Stage..." echo "" make stage echo "Make Install..." make install
- Computers.frappliance
- Connects to iTunes streaming on the local network.
- Internet.frappliance
- Contains YouTube, Podcasts, MobileMe, Flickr and Radio. Also contains Netflix for American users.
- Movies.frappliance
- Contains movies for download from the iTunes store.
- Settings.frappliance
- Contains the settings of the Apple TV.
- TV.frappliance (Only enabled on US accounts)
- Contains renting TV shows from the iTunes store (US).