The iPod touch (2nd generation) was announced on 9 September 2008S5L8720 processor, increased battery life, brighter display, and internal speaker. It has the board codename N72AP, and the name used in firmware is iPod2,1.
. It introduces the fasterThe device released with iPhone OS 2.1.1. iPhone OS 3.x was released to the device as a paid US$4.95 upgrade. With iOS 4.0, the upgrade price was eliminated.
The device has an upgraded wireless chipset, whose capabilities were not initially disclosed. With the release of iPhone OS 3.0, the device received support for Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR with A2DP.
Alongside the release of the iPod touch (3rd generation) on 9 September 2009 , the device remained on sale at a new 8 GB storage tier, alongside the 3rd generation in the original 16 GB and 32 GB tiers. The revision is colloquially named the "MC" revision, after the 8 GB model number, as compared to the original "MB" model numbers. The revision silently updated the bootrom from 240.4 to 240.5.1. It is no longer vulnerable to the 0x24000 Segment Overflow exploit, but was later found to be vulnerable to the usb_control_msg(0xA1, 1) Exploit.
See S5L8720/Hardware for hardware details.
Device IDs
- 0x1227: DFU Mode 2.0 (Basically WTF 2.0 burned into bootrom)
- 0x1281: Recovery Mode 2.0 (iBEC/iBSS/iBoot)
- 0x1293: Normal Mode (comm with iTunes / MobileDevice framework)
See the S5L8720 page for all known exploits