
From The Apple Wiki
Established24 June 2013 (2013-06-24); 10 years ago[1]
Defunct26 February 2015 (2015-02-26); 9 years ago[2]
TypeHacker team, content creator, parody

UnthreadedJB was a jailbreak team active between 2014 and 2015. The identity of the person or people behind the team is unknown.

The team was known for its @unthreadedjb Twitter account, which very frequently posted with intentionally bad spelling and grammar, mixed lowercase and all-capitals words, overused hashtags, and memes. The team later created a YouTube channel named Unthreadebl00g, which appears to parody jailbreak tweak review channels of the time with intentionally low-effort videos, specifically iDownloadBlog, the subject of one of their videos.

The team released unthredera1n, later updated as unthredeh4il, the first untethered jailbreak for some older iOS versions on A4 devices that never previously received one. Other jailbreaks were teased by the team, but never released.

External Links


  1. ^ Based on date UnthreadedJB GitHub account was registered
  2. ^ Based on last post to Unthreadebl00g