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Apple Wireless Diagnostics Daemon (AWDD)

From The Apple Wiki

AWDD is a binary logging system for the Baseband, Bluetooth, NFC, GSM/LTE, WiFi, UWB and other such wireless radio coprocessors. Over the years it has taken on a few other responsibilities such as Springboard Locking, FaceID, and any other system level events best represented in a compact binary format. This is in opposition to text based or Plist style log files, which are also still common for other subsystems. AWDD is a proprietary TLV encoding.

TVL Encoding Scheme


Tags are multi-byte integers with the lowest 3 bits being the primal type, while the remaining bits get shifted right (>> 3) to become the "index" from the definition. This makes the "timestamp" value in a log (tag 0x08) actually type 0x00 and index 0x01 matching up with definition from the ambiant root file. Having a lowest order bit of 0x00 means that the value is to be interpreted as a multi-byte integer.

Tags that are high in the lowest order bit are length prefixed (common of strings)

  • 0x08 index 1 with a type of 0x00 - e.g. "timestamp"
  • 0x10 index 2 with a type of 0x00 - PropertyDefinition.Index
  • 0x18 index 3 with a type of 0x00 - PropertyDefinition.Flags
  • 0x22 index 4 with a type of 0x02 - PropertyDefinition.Name
  • 0x0A index 1 with a type of 0x02 - ObjectDefinition
  • 0x12 index 2 with a type of 0x02 - PropertyDefinition

Clearly we demonstrate a primordial integer vs a length prefixed sequence


Potential for enum or flags

  • 0x00 - Length encoded integer
  • 0x01 - FLAG?
  • 0x02 - Object with length prefixed multi-byte integer
  • 0x03
  • 0x04 - FLAG?
  • 0x05
  • 0x06
  • 0x07

This implies that type 0x02 is some form of sequence

Multi-byte integers

The AWDD format can encode multi-byte integers in a format similar to ASN.1 (I'm not yet totally convinced this isn't ASN.1 but hey, when have I ever done protocols the easy way?).

For a multi-byte integer the high order bit (0x80) is set on all bytes which are not the final byte of the integer. Once all the bytes of the integer are collected, the high order bit is masked off, (& 0x7F) and the remaining 7 bit bytes are bitstring concatenated to produce the final integer. This is complicated as the integer is still little endian though the encoding uses the most-significant-bit in big-endian format to determine the int's run length. The completed algorith is in decode_variable_length_int which returns the int and how many bytes were used to encode it.

This also means for integers <= 127 the integer is the same as a single byte uint8

Tag, optional length, data

Depending on the type of the value, you will encounter a tag (itself a multi-byte int) per the above specification with a direct value, or a length prefixed value.

An example: If the value type is an int, then a variable length int tag, followed by a variable length int the value

If the value is a string, then a variable length int tag, followed by a variable length int length then the bytes of the string.


The definition table is a collection of ObjectDefinitions and EnumDefinitions


An ObjectDefinition is either a Class or an Event - they are broadly equal. A class will be a collection of property definitions where each definition is a combination of property name, type (primal), flags, and extensions.

An object definition is TAG_CLASS_DEFINITION followed by a length of the object definition. It is then parsed as a a TAG_CLASS_NAME and a series of TAG_PROPERTY_DEFINITIONs which are a length followed by their fields.

TAG_CLASS_DEFINITION    = 0x0A # Name of the class or event
TAG_CLASS_NAME          = 0x0A # The string defining the class name (optional)
TAG_PROPERTY_DEFINITION = 0x12 # Repeated for each property

In the context of a property flags can be 0x00 in the case of a normal scalar property of 0x01 in the case of a "multi-property" or a property which can occur multiple times.

# Base Property Types - RE still in progress
class PropertyType(IntEnum):
    UNKNOWN          = 0x00
    DOUBLE           = 0x01
    FLOAT            = 0x02
    INTEGER_64       = 0x03
    INTEGER          = 0x04
    UNKNOWN_5        = 0x05
    INTEGER_32       = 0x06
    UNKNOWN_8        = 0x08
    UNKNOWN_9        = 0x09
    BOOLEAN          = 0x0C
    ENUM             = 0x0B
    STRING           = 0x0D
    BYTES            = 0x0E
    PACKED_UINT_32   = 0x15
    UNKNOWN_17       = 0x11
    UNKNOWN_20       = 0x14
    OBJECT           = 0x1B
# Basic Property Values (must occur)
TAG_INDEX = 0x08 # This defines the tag for reference
TAG_TYPE  = 0x10 # Primal object type (PropertyType)
TAG_FLAGS = 0x18 # PropertyFlags
TAG_NAME  = 0x22 # The name of the property

Various base types have extended type information. For instance, a string property can have a format type of "UUID" and an integer type can have a value of "Timestamp". Each of these is specified by a particular tag on the property definition.

# Extended or optinal values on a property definition
TAG_OBJECT_REFERENCE = 0x28 # The class of the property in the case of a non-primitive, scalar
TAG_STRING_FORMAT    = 0x30 # StringFormat
TAG_LIST_ITEM_TYPE   = 0x38 # Type of the element in the case of a collection
TAG_ENUM_INDEX       = 0x40 # The EnumDefinition this enum references
TAG_INTEGER_FORMAT   = 0x48 # Integer type sub-specifier
TAG_EXTENSION        = 0x50 # Set to 0x01 if this property is an extension on another class
TAG_EXTENSION_TARGET = 0x60 # The class to extend

Sub-format Specifiers

class PropertyFlags(IntFlag):
    NONE     = 0x00
    REPEATED = 0x01
class IntegerFormat(IntEnum):
    TIMESTAMP        = 0x01
    TRIGGER_ID       = 0x03
    PROFILE_ID       = 0x04
    AVERAGE_TIME     = 0x15
    TIME_DELTA       = 0x16
    PERIOD_IN_HOURS  = 0x19
    TIME_OF_DAY      = 0x1E
class StringFormat(IntEnum):
    UNKNOWN = 0x00
    UUID    = 0x01

An EnumDefinition is a class that defines a range of integer values, which can be either a selection enumeration or a flags style enumeration. The definition will include the textual representation of each value.

Metadata Files

Metadata files are a MAGIC (AWDM), a version (0xXXXXYYYY) and N (0xNNNNNNNN) regions

If N == 0 then you are reading a root manifest and should read until tag == 0x00000000

In all cases there should be a 0x00000000 after the region definitions

Regions fall into two broad categories - tag specific and non-tag specific

Region tags are 0xTTTTFFFF where TTTT is type and FFFF is number of uint32 fields (little endian)

struct {
    uint32 magic,  // "AWDM"
    uint16 major,  // 0x0100 - little endian 1
    uint16 minor,  // 0x0100 - little endian 1
    uint32 regions // either region count or 0

// N region entries, see below

struct {
    uint32 zero // = 0x00000000

// Tag specific

struct {
  uint32 tag,
  uint32 offset,
  uint32 size,
  uint32 checksum // assumed

Tag 0x02000400 - Structure Table

This is an import or structure table. In the case of the root table of the root manifest the contents are identical to the display or definition table (0x03000400).

For metadata manifests which extend the root, this file will broadly import from others and not define the display names of properties etc.

Tag 0x03000400 - Definition Table

This table of definitions create new objects with new properties that extend the existing schema. It will contain object definitions, with property definitions as well as enum definitions.

This table contains class and object definitions designed to "enrich" the definitions from the 0x02000400 table with additional data for translation into text format.

Non-tag specific

struct {
    uint32 offest
    uint32 size

Tag 0x04000200 - File Identity

This region defines two values, the UUID of the file as well as it's display name.

This is analogous to a LC_UUID in Mach-O

  • 0x0A - String - File UUID
  • 0x12 - String - Source File
  • 0x18 - Timestamp - Build Time

Tag 0x05000200 - Root Object Class Definitions

This defines the root ambient classes. It's only relevant on the root manifest as it is the only file to define the root object class. These classes are used by the properties on the root object defined by 0x02000400/0x03000400 where tag == 0x00

Tag 0x06000200 - Extension Points

This region lists all known extension properties. These must be loaded from their assocated constituant extension manifests

Log Files