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Welcome to The Apple Wiki

The Apple Wiki is a community effort to document Apple's amazing devices and software. We hope to pass this information on to the next generation of hackers so that they can go forth into their forebears' footsteps and break the ridiculous bonds Apple has put on their amazing devices. You can contribute here, just create an account. Currently there are 2,577 users, with 4,149 articles (and 47,156 key pages).

  • Check out the most recent article changes.
  • Get up to speed in the community (and learn about how jailbreaks work).
  • Read the timeline to see where we are.
  • Read the community portal to find out what people request to be added/changed.
  • Read the ground rules to know what you should and should not post in this wiki.
  • Join us in the Discord server to discuss any questions you have regarding contributing to the wiki.
  • If you have notes on something you did, post them here, no matter how ugly.
  • If you see something ugly, work to make it pretty.
  • If you have a fix for a problem people are having, post it here.

Languages: English • 日本語

Firmware Status

Product Line Apple TV HomePod Apple Vision Apple Watch iPad iPad Air iPad Pro iPad mini iPhone
Supported Apple TV HD
and later
All models[1] All models Series 6
and later[2]
7th generation
and later
3rd generation
and later
12.9-inch (3rd generation), 11-inch
and later
5th generation
and later
iPhone XR
and later
Public Firmwares
Beta Firmwares
18.3 RC
2.3 RC
11.3 RC
18.3 RC

See Jailbreak for a complete list of all devices, firmware versions and tools used to jailbreak those versions.

macOS Status

Product Line iMac iMac Pro MacBook Air MacBook Pro Mac Pro Mac Studio Mac mini
Supported 2019 and later 2017 2020 and later 2018 and later 2019 and later 2022 and later 2018 and later
Public Release
Beta Release
15.3 RC

Languages: English • 日本語

Getting started

New to developing for jailbroken devices? Welcome, it's fun and challenging! Hopefully you already have some experience with Objective-C. You will want to get familiar with Cydia Substrate and Theos, and you can study some Open Source Projects to see how existing tweaks work. See Getting Started and also take a look at Best Practices and Pitfalls. If you're looking for a more thorough and sequential tutorial, take a look at the book iOS App Reverse Engineering and its forum iOSRE.

How to ask for help: There are tags for "jailbreak", "Cydia", and "Theos" on Stack Overflow, a site for programming questions in general; feel free to ask there as well. On Reddit, there's r/jailbreakdevelopers. On Discord, there is the Theos server. For non-development-related troubleshooting questions, try r/jailbreak.

By iOS Version

iOS 17
iOS 16
iOS 15
iOS 14
iOS 13
iOS 12
iOS 11
iOS 10
iOS 9
iOS 8
iOS 7
iOS 6
iOS 5
iOS 4

Translated articles


Editing this wiki

  • If you have anything at all to contribute, feel free to do so!

Some ideas for information to contribute:

  • Add more projects to the list of Open Source Projects, or fill out details on that page.
  • Expand Getting Started for new developers - what do they need to know before beginning? How do they set up a development environment on OS X, Windows, and Linux? What are common beginner's mistakes that they should watch out for? How to reverse-engineer parts of iOS for writing tweaks? How to debug with GDB and learn about memory management?
  • Update articles that haven't been significantly edited in a few years, such as Seatbelt and Crack prevention. See Special:AncientPages for a list of articles that haven't been updated recently.
  • Help Cycript explain why Cycript is fun - syntax highlighting, injection, auto-completion, generally exploring around.
  • Make a page that documents a class or framework you're familiar with.
  • If you've developed a library that other developers can use or write addons/plugins/extensions for, make a page that documents your project.
  • Make the homepage more useful! For example, add links to good pages that are hidden/buried deep within the wiki.
  • The following articles are linked from nowhere in the wiki: Special:LonelyPages - you can fix that by linking them somewhere.
  • Browse around the wiki to find pages that might need updating.
  • Write an article that is in demand: Special:WantedPages.
  • Translate an existing article into a non-English language. To do so, make a new page with this name format: Article name/[language code]. Here's the list of language codes. For example: PreferenceLoader/de or Libactivator/sv.

Good edit candidates

If you're looking for some articles to work on that don't require a ton of in-depth reverse engineering, or are important yet outdated, the following articles are good candidates:

Contribute to The Apple Wiki

The Apple Wiki is made by people like you. If you know of something that should be here, but isn’t, we invite you to go ahead and add that information. If you don’t know wikitext syntax, don’t worry - just start typing anyway. It’ll appear in the recent changes list, where others will see your work, and can clean up your edits.

You can do that by first logging in or creating an account, and verifying your email address. Then, you can click Edit icon Edit at the top of any page, or the Edit icon button to the right of a section, to start editing.

If the topic doesn’t already exist, you can make a new article. If you see a red link, simply click it to start editing. If you’d like to start a new topic, first try searching the wiki, just to make sure it isn’t already touched upon elsewhere:

If you’d like to create a new page, you can get started with the following form:

Enter the exact filesystem path. For example, /System/Library/CoreServices/

Want to help out, but don’t know where to start? Here are some ways to find articles you can start out with:

  • Browse the wiki for topics you’re interested in, and look for red links. Click the link to start creating that page.
  • Take a look at the list of categories at the bottom of an article, for instance Software on articles documenting apps. See if any could do with updates.
  • Software articles can always do with a look-over to ensure the information is up-to-date. If an app has been updated, increment the version number in the infobox sidebar, upload new screenshots, and update the icon if it’s changed.
  • Filesystem articles can similarly always do with a look-over to update them with changes made in recent OS versions. We invite you to create articles for operating system files and folders that aren’t yet documented.
  • While not as useful, you can also take a look at the list of wanted pages. This is less useful because it's not quite as organised.

Here are some maintenance categories you can look through for jobs that need doing:

Not sure if your content is up to wiki standards? Don't worry - just write out what you know as best as you can. If something can be improved, other users of the wiki can do so, such as when they see your edit on the recent changes list.