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Dev:Cycript Tricks

From The Apple Wiki

Getting objects

Objective-C objects using choose()

The function choose(), introduced in version 0.9.502[citation needed] and documented here, allows us to get an array of existing objects of a certain class.

Objective-C objects from addresses

Use #0xdeadbabe.

cy# var p = #0x8614390
cy# p
["<SKPaymentTransaction: 0x8613d80>"]

Javascript variables

Requires testing.

cy# typedef int a;
cy# for (x in this) if (x == 'a') system.print('yay');

Getting ivars

Often just typing *varName works:

cy# *controller
{isa:"PrefsRootController",_contentView:"<UIView: 0x10bd70; frame = (0 0; 320 460); autoresize = W+H; layer = <CALayer: 0x150120>>",_navBar:...

Sometimes it does not...

cy# *UIApp
{message:"hasProperty callback returned true for a property that doesn't exist.",name:"ReferenceError"}

Then you can do:

cy# [i for (i in *UIApp)]

You may use this function to get as much ivar values as possible:

function tryPrintIvars(a){ var x={}; for(i in *a){ try{ x[i] = (*a)[i]; } catch(e){} } return x; }

To use:

cy# *a
{message:"hasProperty callback returned true for a property that doesn't exist.",name:"ReferenceError"}
cy# tryPrintIvars(a)
{isa:"SBWaveView",_layer:"<CALayer: 0x2a5160>",_tapInfo:null,_gestureInfo:null,_gestureRecognizers:...

Getting bundle identifier


Getting methods

Function to get the methods:

function printMethods(className, isa) {
  var count = new new Type("I");
  var classObj = (isa != undefined) ? objc_getClass(className).constructor : objc_getClass(className);
  var methods = class_copyMethodList(classObj, count);
  var methodsArray = [];
  for(var i = 0; i < *count; i++) {
    var method = methods[i];
    methodsArray.push({selector:method_getName(method), implementation:method_getImplementation(method)});
  return methodsArray;


cy# printMethods("MailboxPrefsTableCell")

You can also just look at the prototype property of the isa, e.g. to get rootViewControllers methods: UIApp.keyWindow.rootViewController.isa.prototype

Get methods matching particular RegExp

function methodsMatching(cls, regexp) { return [[new Selector(m).type(cls), m] for (m in cls.prototype) if (!regexp || regexp.test(m))]; }


cy# methodsMatching(NSRunLoop, /forKey:$/)

Getting class methods

class.prototype only contains instance methods. To hook class methods, you need to get to its metaclass. A simple way would be

cy# NSRunLoop.constructor.prototype['currentRunLoop'] = ...

Alternatively, set the optional second parameter in printMethods() to true, e.g. printMethods("NSRunLoop", true)

cy# printMethods("NSRunLoop", true)
[{selector:@selector(currentRunLoop),implementation:&(extern "C" id 674681217(id, SEL, ...))}...

Replacing existing Objective-C methods

You can simulate MSHookMessage by replacing contents in the prototype array, e.g.

cy# original_NSRunLoop_description = NSRunLoop.prototype['description'];
(extern "C" id ":description"(id, SEL))
cy# NSRunLoop.prototype['description'] = function() { return, 80)+", etc."; }
function (){var e;e=this;return,80)+", etc."}
cy# [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop]
#"<CFRunLoop 0x13750a630 [0x1a103e150]>{wakeup port = 0x1003, stopped = false, ign, etc."

Note the construct. This binds the this in the original function to the user-specified one. If more than one variable is needed, use function(arg1, arg2, arg3, ...) {, arg1, arg2, arg3, ...);}, e.g.

cy# original_SpringBoard_menuButtonDown = SpringBoard.prototype['menuButtonDown:']
cy# SpringBoard.prototype['menuButtonDown:'] = function(arg1) {, arg1);}
function (e) {var e;var $cy0=this;$cy0,e);}

Note that the subsequent arguments will not be automatically mapped to the corresponding Objective-C types, so instead of "foo" you will need to use [NSString stringWithString:"foo"].

List all subclasses

[c for each (c in ObjectiveC.classes) if (class_getSuperclass(c) && [c isSubclassOfClass:UIView])]

(The class_getSuperclass is needed to prevent crash due to the "Object" class not inheriting from NSObject)

Load frameworks

function loadFramework(fw) {
  var h="/System/Library/",t="Frameworks/"+fw+".framework";
  [[NSBundle bundleWithPath:h+t]||[NSBundle bundleWithPath:h+"Private"+t] load];

Include other Cycript files

As of 0.9.274-1, there isn't a native file import feature. If cycript will be hooked into another process, since the data will be retained there, you can first load the other .cy file with this:

localhost:~ mobile$ cycript -p SpringBoard
localhost:~ mobile$ cycript -p SpringBoard
cy# ...

If cycript is launched standalone, inclusion can still be faked with a combination of cycript compiler and Javascript's eval function:

// include other .cy files
function include(fn) {
  var t = [new NSTask init]; [t setLaunchPath:@"/usr/bin/cycript"]; [t setArguments:["-c", fn]];
  var p = [NSPipe pipe]; [t setStandardOutput:p]; [t launch]; [t waitUntilExit]; 
  var s = [new NSString initWithData:[[p fileHandleForReading] readDataToEndOfFile] encoding:4];
  return this.eval(s.toString());

As of version 0.9.502[citation needed], there is. See @import's documentation.

Using NSLog

In recent versions of cycript, NSLog should just work. If not, using the following:

Type in the console:

NSLog_ = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "NSLog")
NSLog = function() { var types = 'v', args = [], count = arguments.length; for (var i = 0; i != count; ++i) { types += '@'; args.push(arguments[i]); } new Functor(NSLog_, types).apply(null, args); }

And then you can use NSLog as usual:

cy# NSLog_ = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "NSLog")
cy# NSLog = function() { var types = 'v', args = [], count = arguments.length; for (var i = 0; i != count; ++i) { types += '@'; args.push(arguments[i]); } new Functor(NSLog_, types).apply(null, args); }
cy# NSLog("w ivars: %@", tryPrintIvars(w))

If you are attached to a process, the output is going to be in the syslog:

Nov 17 20:26:01 iPhone3GS Foobar[551]: w ivars: {\n    contentView = <UIView: 0x233ea0; ....}

Using CGGeometry functions

CGPoint, CGSize, and CGRect are structures of numbers (floats or doubles), and can be represented in Cycript with simple arrays:

cy# view.frame = [[10, 10], [100, 100]];

If you’d prefer to use the CG…Make() functions, you can construct them yourself:

function CGPointMake(x, y) { return [x, y]; }
function CGSizeMake(w, h) { return [w, h]; }
function CGRectMake(x, y, w, h) { return [[x, y], [w, h]]; }

Using NSError

cy# var error = new @encode(NSError *)
cy# var thing; [[NSFileManager defaultManager] copyItemAtPath:@"aaadsdsds" toPath:@"bbbdsdsdsds" error:error]; thing = *error
cy# thing
#'Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file \xe2\x80\x9caaadsdsds\xe2\x80\x9d couldn\xe2\x80\x99t be opened because there is no such file." UserInfo=0x100310af0 {NSFilePath=aaadsdsds, NSUnderlyingError=0x1003108e0 "The operation couldn\xe2\x80\x99t be completed. No such file or directory"}'

Writing Cycript output to file

Cycript output is an NSString, so it is possible to call writeToFile and save it somewhere. Example:

[[someObject someFunction] writeToFile:"/var/mobile/cycriptoutput.txt" atomically:NO encoding:4 error:NULL]

You can use this, for example, to get a dump of SpringBoard's view tree.

iPhone:~$ cycript -p SpringBoard
cy# [[UIApp->_uiController.window recursiveDescription] writeToFile:"/var/mobile/viewdump.txt" atomically:NO encoding:4 error:NULL]

Printing view hierarchy

cy# UIApp.keyWindow.recursiveDescription().toString()
"<UIWindow: 0x13a900; frame = (0 0; 320 480); opaque = NO; autoresize = RM+BM; layer = <CALayer: 0x13a9d0>>
    <UITextField: 0x13abf0; frame = (20 40; 280 31); text = ''; opaque = NO; autoresize = RM+BM; layer = <CALayer: 0x13ad10>>
        <UITextFieldRoundedRectBackgroundView: 0x143d10; frame = (0 0; 280 31); userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x143dc0>>
            <UIImageView: 0x144030; frame = (0 0; 8 15); opaque = NO; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x1440b0>>
            <UIImageView: 0x144400; frame = (8 0; 264 15); opaque = NO; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x144430>>
            <UIImageView: 0x144460; frame = (272 0; 8 15); opaque = NO; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x144490>>
            <UIImageView: 0x1444c0; frame = (8 0; 0 15); userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x1444f0>>
            <UIImageView: 0x144520; frame = (0 15; 8 1); opaque = NO; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x144550>>
            <UIImageView: 0x144580; frame = (8 15; 264 1); opaque = NO; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x1445b0>>
            <UIImageView: 0x1445e0; frame = (272 15; 8 1); opaque = NO; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x144610>>
            <UIImageView: 0x144640; frame = (8 15; 0 1); userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x144670>>
            <UIImageView: 0x1446a0; frame = (0 16; 8 15); opaque = NO; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x1446d0>>
            <UIImageView: 0x144700; frame = (8 16; 264 15); opaque = NO; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x144730>>
            <UIImageView: 0x144760; frame = (272 16; 8 15); opaque = NO; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x144790>>
            <UIImageView: 0x1447c0; frame = (8 16; 0 15); userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x1447f0>>
        <UILabel: 0x13aaf0; frame = (9 8; 266 15); text = 'Test'; clipsToBounds = YES; opaque = NO; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x1399f0>>"

Cycript scripts

Custom shell function that loads a cycript file:

cyc () { cycript -p $1 /var/root/ > /dev/null; cycript -p $1; }
Usage: cyc ProcessName

Add this to /etc/profile.d/ to make it available in all sessions.

Warning: If you run this command multiple times against a process, the scripts will be loaded into the script multiple times. This could potentially have unexpected consequences depending on the scripts you are loading. It is not a proper way of doing this and saurik recommends against it.

Weak Classdump (Cycript based class-dump)



 root# cycript -p Skype; cycript -p Skype
 'Added weak_classdump to "Skype" (1685)'
 cy# UIApp
 "<HellcatApplication: 0x1734e0>"
 cy# weak_classdump(HellcatApplication);
 "Wrote file to /tmp/HellcatApplication.h"
 cy# UIApp.delegate
 "<SkypeAppDelegate: 0x194db0>"
 cy# weak_classdump(SkypeAppDelegate,"/someDirWithWriteAccess/");
 "Wrote file to /someDirWithWriteAccess/SkypeAppDelegate.h"
 root# cycript -p iapd; cycript -p iapd
 'Added weak_classdump to "iapd" (1127)'
 cy# weak_classdump(IAPPortManager)
 "Wrote file to /tmp/IAPPortManager.h"
 root# cycript -p MobilePhone; cycript -p MobilePhone
 'Added weak_classdump to "MobilePhone" (385)'
 #cy weak_classdump_bundle([NSBundle mainBundle],"/tmp/MobilePhone")
 "Dumping bundle... Check syslog. Will play lock sound when done."

