
From The Apple Wiki
Initial release31 December 2023; 4 months ago
Written inPython 3
TypeSecurity research
LicenseMIT License

SeaShell Framework is an iOS post-exploitation framework developed by EntySec that enables you to access a device remotely, control it, and extract sensitive information. The attacker generates an IPA file, and starts a TCP listener. The IPA needs to be installed through TrollStore or another app that exploits a similar CoreTrust bug and launched to execute the payload. The attacker will then receive an interactive session with the device. Its default payload is Pwny, with features including evasion, TLS encryption, and dynamic extensions.


Diagram demonstrates how main bundle executable calls posix_spawn() to load second stage executable which establishes communication with an attacker.

SeaShell uses an application bundle with a simple main executable, and other executables, which launch the Pwny payload. The interactive shell offered by Pwny simplifies the process of interacting with a compromised device. It features a robust interface equipped with essential tools for various tasks, such as managing the file system, extracting confidential data, uploading files, running programs, and many more capabilities. Below, I have outlined some of the prominent features that are presently available in this interface.

Basic information

Basic functionality includes collecting essential information about the connected device. sysinfo might be called to retrieve basic system information and sbinfo can be used to check the lock status (device locked or unlocked).

pwny:/ root# sysinfo
[i] Name:    iOS
[i] Arch:    arm64
[i] Version: 20D67
[i] Vendor:  Apple
[i] UUID:    a128133d-e6d9-4b62-8194-8814a1328310        
pwny:/ root# sbinfo
[i] Locked:   no
[i] Passcode: no
pwny:/ root#

Safari data

At present, it is possible to extract sensitive data from Safari using a few commands. To access the web browsing history, the command safari_history can be used. This command retrieves the database located at /var/mobile/Library/Safari/ and parses it for information. Similarly, the command safari_bookmarks operates in the same manner, allowing you to view saved bookmarks by downloading and parsing the relevant Safari data.

pwny:/ root# safari_history
History.db     |███████████████████████████████████████▌| ▁▃▅ 305/305 [100%] in 4s
History.db-wal |███████████████████████████████████████▌| ▁▃▅ 305/305 [100%] in 4s
[*] Parsing history database...

    Date                   URL
    ----                   ---
    2023-12-31 13:35:57

pwny:/ root#

SMS data

The interface also grants access to SMS data. You can list the chats present in the SMS application using the command sms -l. To extract the chat history with a specific contact, the command sms <recipient> can be used. Additionally, the contacts command allows for the retrieval of the contact list from the address book.

pwny:/ root# sms 11111111111
sms.db     |███████████████████████████████████████▌| ▁▃▅ 305/305 [100%] in 4s
sms.db-wal |███████████████████████████████████████▌| ▁▃▅ 305/305 [100%] in 4s
[*] Parsing SMS for 11111111111...
Sms (11111111111):
    ID    Date                   Status    Text
    --    ----                   ------    ----
    1     2023-12-17 21:41:51    Sent      Hi
pwny:/ root#

Hooking to other applications

Interface provides its own persistence method. Since on non-jailbroken phones (and rootless) launchctl is useless, interface uses "hooking". This means that payload is being injected inside a desired application's bundle and next time application is launched, attacker gets new remote connection. The hook can be installed via hook command and removed via unhook. Below I install hook to

pwny:/ root# hook 8888
[*] Searching for in containers...
[+] Found at /private/var/containers!
[*] Patching Info.plist...
[i] Executable to replace: Calculator
[*] Giving permissions to executable...
[*] Giving permissions to mussel...
[+] patched successfully!
pwny:/ root#

Protecting against this attack

In response to numerous online requests, I have prepared a guide on how to reduce the likelihood of falling victim to an attack via the SeaShell framework. Below are my suggestions:

  1. Unzip IPA file that you want to install.
  2. Check of suspicious executables in the application bundle (e.g. SeaShell Framework adds executable called mussel to its application bundle which is a representation of Pwny payload).
  3. Read Info.plist and search for suspicious entries (e.g. SeaShell adds CFBundleBase64Hash to its Info.plist, it contains a host pair <host>:<port> encoded with base64)
  4. Check hash sum of the file to confirm its integrity.