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From The Apple Wiki

There are multiple versions and variants of for different network speeds. Each one will start a phone call and keep it active for a user specified time, until the call fails, or until another varying condition is met.

The following is a description and changelog for the 3G variant, version 20. Email addresses have been redacted.

   ##	ScriptName:
   ##	Usage:		./ {iterations to run} {Max_Length_of_Calls_in_minutes,0=NO LIMT}
   ##	Purpose: 	To make calls on 3G and keep them active till either a call drop happens or 
   ##				the device hands over to 2G, keep call active for 30 seconds after HO to ensure that 
   ##				the HO succeeded.
   ##				Length of call can be user specified in minutes or 48 hours if given as 0 minutes
   ##				(in other words, till a call drop happens or 2 days have gone by without a drop)
   ##				After every iteration check whether the device is still on 3G or not, otherwise 
   ##				try forcing 3G by going in/out of Airplane mode.
   ##	Author:		Puneet Mishra 
   ##	Revision History
   ##	06/22/2008	First Version	
   ##	06/24/2008	Added function to take a K00LSTATE, not being used but can be invoked by removing
   ##					the comment after the call passes, logs are overwritten after taking 20 logs hence
   ##					be careful when using this.
   ##	06/30/2008		Added logCallEndedDate(), this will log time in CFGetAbsoluteTime format(in seconds from
   ##					1 Jan 2000 00:00:00) to callended.txt, this file will be used to generate .kml files for viewing
   ##					call drop locations on a map
   ##  07/10/2008		Device does not go into airplane mode anymore for performing reselections
   ##					Added a command which will make sure that unwanted dialogs from the network are dismissed before attempting UI operations
   ##					e.g. notifications from the network about account stats for post-paid SIMs
   ##	09/08/2008	
   ##					- Wait for 45 seconds after HO to 2G instead of 60 seconds
   ##					- In the csv file that is generated, note whether the call drop was :Ê
   ##							a. In 3G
   ##							b. within 15 seconds of a HO
   ##							c. After 30 seconds of H
   ##	09/09/2008	
   ##					- Added call drop category in csv file
   ##							d. Call Failure 
   ##	09/10/2008		jerome jesu
   ##					-- Added Modem Resets, Call Drops and Call Failures breakdowns from CSI Logs  
   ##					-- Added Cause Codes for Call Failure/Call Drops to a separate CSV File
   ##	10/09/2008		jerome jesu
   ##					-- Fixed Modem Reset Column and added support for the AP Change.