Apple System Restore (also known as ASR) is an application found on the Ramdisks of an IPSW firmware file. It works by writing the rootfs image to the actual system drive (ASR RESTORE), then checksums it. (ASR VERIFY)
ASR Verify Disassembly
__text:00014204 loc_14204 ; CODE XREF: sub_13AB4+61E�j __text:00014204 ; sub_13AB4+73E�j __text:00014204 LDR R3, =(off_235E8 - 0x1420A) __text:00014206 ADD R3, PC __text:00014208 LDR R3, [R3] __text:0001420A LDR R3, [R3] __text:0001420C CMP R3, #0 __text:0001420E BEQ loc_1427A __text:00014210 LDR R0, =(aImagePassedSig - 0x14216) __text:00014212 ADD R0, PC ; "Image passed signature verification" __text:00014214 BLX _warnx __text:00014218 B loc_1427A __text:0001421A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- __text:0001421A __text:0001421A loc_1421A ; CODE XREF: sub_13AB4+622�j __text:0001421A ; sub_13AB4+628�j ... __text:0001421A LDR.W R0, =(aImageFailedSig - 0x14222) __text:0001421E ADD R0, PC ; "Image failed signature verification" __text:00014220 BLX _warnx __text:00014224 MOVS R2, #0x50 __text:00014226 B loc_1426E __text:00014228 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------