
From The Apple Wiki

Cydia Package
Package IDsbsettings
Latest Version5.2.1

SBSettings is a MobileSubstrate extension for SpringBoard which provides a quick way to view and change various settings. SBSettings are launched by swiping the finger across the status bar.


The toggles are the basic building blocks of SBSettings. Each toggle should create a directory in /var/mobile/Library/SBSettings/Toggles with the following structure:

  • ~/Library/SBSettings/Toggles/
    • «Name of your toggle»/
      • Toggle.dylib

The Toggle.dylib contains code to react with users. It must implement and export the following C functions:

bool isCapable();            // returns whether this toggle should be shown.
bool isEnabled();            // returns the ON/OFF state of the toggle.
void setState(bool enabled); // assign the ON/OFF state.
float getDelayTime();           // returns the expected time (in seconds) to handle a state change.

and these are optional:

bool getStateFast();         // "approximate" the ON/OFF state.
bool allowInCall();          // returns whether this toggle can be used in call. Default to true.
void invokeHoldAction();        // responds to the user long-holding the toggle.

SBSettings will set the current working directory to the path of the active toggle before calling any functions exported by Toggle.dylib

Details can be found in BigBoss's SBSettings Toggle Spec.


SBSettings is also themeable. See this page for more details.
