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pod2g, with real name Cyril Cattiaux, is an iOS hacker living in France, who has discovered several bootrom exploits. He was formerly part of the Chronic Dev Team, but left for personal reasons. Later he was part of the Dream Team when it emerged.
When asked about how he finds all these vulnerabilities, he always answers "by luck" and even explains the Racoon config file as an example, but having so much luck seems to be impossible. He is considered as one of the most talented iOS hackers ever.
In January 2013 he released his first app (podDJ) officially on the AppStore, although he did not leave the hacking scene.
- 0x24000 Segment Overflow
- usb_control_msg(0xA1, 1) Exploit
- Corona
- Rocky Racoon
- He was the first to tweet the IMG3 keys for iBSS for iOS 4.0.1 on the iPhone 4. (exploit??)
- As of 29 January 2011, he revealed to have two untether exploits. News of release have not been revealed. On 27 December 2011 he released an untether for iOS 5.0.1 for A4 devices. His untether is now built into redsn0w, PwnageTool and a Cydia package called corona. (to be replaced with exploits)
- Part of evad3rs who made evasi0n.
Appearances and Presentations
- HiTB Amsterdam 2012
- HiTB Malaysia 2012
- WWJC 2012
- Magazine (french, will be added)