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model table [Archived 2023-03-27 at the Wayback Machine] (incomplete) (Help:Using the Wayback Machine)
- Working with Apple devices
- Working with iCloud data
- Working with iCloud backups
- Supported models
Device - iPad mini 4 Wi-Fi
$ ideviceinfo | grep \ -e DeviceClass \ -e HardwareModel \ -e HardwarePlatform \ -e ModelNumber \ -e ProductType DeviceClass: iPad HardwareModel: J96AP HardwarePlatform: t7000 ModelNumber: MK9P2 ProductType: iPad5,1
Device - iPhone 8
$ ideviceinfo | grep \ -e DeviceClass \ -e HardwareModel \ -e HardwarePlatform \ -e ModelNumber \ -e ProductType DeviceClass: iPhone HardwareModel: D20AP HardwarePlatform: t8015 ModelNumber: MQ6K2 ProductType: iPhone10,1