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List of MobileGestalt keys

From The Apple Wiki
(Redirected from List of GSC bits)

This is a list of MobileGestalt keys supported by iOS. Prior to iOS 6.0, this was handled by GraphicsServices, and values were retrieved from model definition files. Starting with iOS 7.0, the keys moved to the DeviceTree. Keys that existed prior to iOS 7.0 can be retrieved via the equivalent GraphicsServices functions.

Due to the original name, these keys may also be referred to as GSCs: GraphicServices Capabilities.

Key Hashed key iOS
3GProximityCapability NXJOYK7VhNn7ugbF2kx0zg Whether the device has a 3G proximity sensor
3Gvenice DGBWzPMdVuqPxgH7iSz3SA ? ? FaceTime over 3G
64-bit V2Ykm/0M3CA6nyNhwNInsg CPU can execute ARM64 (armv8) instructions
720p Lg1EJX11Jb7EbveB6+YgVQ
accelerometer 39ZkJVEsL4pmCXbg+89QmQ 1.0 iPhone Device has accelerometer hardware
AccelerometerCapability 1tvy6WfYKVGumYi6Y8E5Og Whether the device is capable of using an accelerometer
accessibility 16N2bLOzcgJEsZToEX21Zg 3.0 ? The device supports accessibility features
AcousticID XWAyufZ2SrclH9F9EDmBKw Determines a unique acoustic tuning for a platform.
ActivationProtocol zP3kBA1Biwz2d6PTIIbmUQ Device activation protocol version. See MGActivationProtocol enum. The new activation protocol (Tunnel1 activation) is: kMGActivationProtocolV2.
ActiveWirelessTechnology Eavu9TP+iZ0Lzlk7FU6w6Q The wireless networking technology currently in use.
ActuatorResonantFrequency hhRNi2d3z2WEFmU+xG/EXw Resonant frequency of actuator
additional-text-tones 6k70IxahfOQTZbGwu++QwA 4.2.1 iPhone 4 New SMS sounds originally only for the iPhone 4. iOS >=4.2.1. Backported to the 3GS since iOS 5.0 beta 3.
ADSCapability qRxbmK4B8fGc06Iwe8YptQ
AggregateDevicePhotoZoomFactor JLP/IinyzetEPztvoNUNKg The maximum zoom level when the camera is in photo mode.
AggregateDeviceVideoZoomFactor IweaHIDpz+rknAcb3+xg9g The maximum zoom level when the camera is in video mode.
AirDropCapability IBqcPacFMPIX8HMWob444A The device supports AirDrop.
airDropRestriction /bSMNaIuUT58N/BN1nYUjw AirDrop has been disabled in Screen Time settings.
AirplaneMode l/n0Z7pMB8k0GyTKz3v3Tw Whether the device is currently in Airplane Mode.
airplay-mirroring yMmSdMRKEHRTCQ72ltCH1w The device supports AirPlay screen mirroring.
AirplayMirroringCapability MWJNrFKpHkBEm8jAdJf1xw The device supports AirPlay screen mirroring.
all-features QGmb9t2ZMFVwOImO6fewgQ
Allow32BitApps ibhfX8FQ6b809N632Ey98g The firmware supports installing and executing 32-bit apps.
AllowOnlyATVCPSDKApps Ex6ChutQnIx5Zm6c5uwYuw Does the device only allow ATVCPSDKApps
AllowYouTube 7l0BaQsNxJCanoeHMJ2huA Device is allowed to use the built-in YouTube app. This app was removed with iOS 6.
AllowYouTubePlugin MTa8c+pEdbK0tHGXP06xOw Device is allowed to use the built-in YouTube WebKit plugin, displaying embedded YouTube videos on websites
AlwaysOnDisplayMaxMemory Ty4lICNS1jQh45sB3wQd7A
ambient-light-sensor lo3szoQ4sLy7o3+ZD0GcAQ The device has a light sensor, allowing
AmbientLightSensorSerialNumber UCLOC2TKe3vRkId34ubKWw Serial number of the ambient light sensor hardware
any-telephony NrXe/KHDNhJ4r2SC2bMQyA Cellular radio
apn spGVujDEmyCzDznXozB3oA
ApNonce hykQtM0zkNe2/IY69+3PPQ Nonce for ticket-based AP personalization
ApNonceRetrieve UcRWpMcvJDfLzn6utLj3XQ Retrieve full Nonce for ticket-based AP personalization
AppCapacityTVOS kkSkHTEei96N1ZehicOgoA The portion of storage allocated for apps on tvOS.
apple-internal-install EqrsVvjcYDdxHBiQmGhAWw Used in internal firmwares, displays a watermark with Apple contact info on device lockscreen, retail firmwares just show a "INTERNAL_INSTALL_LEGAL_DECLARATION" string
AppleNeuralEngineSubtype eJGhnVvylF3dMOHBKJzeiw Fetches the ANE subtype from the registry
applicationInstallation 7yzVesPANxqKQ+oqNPhTwg Allow installation of apps from appstore. Possibly disable for demo units.
AppStore XEoV4os3FAUL7yHDxWmSMw The firmware includes the App Store app.
ArcModuleSerialNumber KzUQgIyBRinkweVMNUCOWA Arc haptic module serial number
arkit 67A3BpQkCRe1ihx0Me4lgg The device is capable of using ARKit.
arm64 kKgJsWN/rBUAkimOtm/wbA 7.0 iPhone 5s CPU can execute ARM64 (armv8) instructions
arm64e li+w2foswFu0srn5UxdOug 12.0 iPhone XS CPU can execute ARM64 (armv8.3) instructions
armv6 g+9NpjmSVwtomd8nyNJimg ? iPhone CPU can execute ARMv6 instructions
armv7 DWrhyh1BwYypYmW5q78Wuw 3.0 iPhone 3GS CPU can execute ARMv7 instructions
armv7s RYO2N0gqp5hHCik2TEiSVA 6.0 iPhone 5 CPU can execute ARMv7s instructions
ArrowChipID nhGhVMyvrWYe9U2ltAUImg Device's Arrow Chip ID
ArrowUniqueChipID CPiqZJJPocpjc5C5qe1tiw Device's Arrow ECID
ArtworkTraitDisplayGamut LTI8wHvEYKy8zR1IXBW1uQ
ArtworkTraits oPeik/9e8lQWMszEjbPzng Returns Artwork traits table. Keys are defined in MobileGestalt.h as kMGArtworkDevice*
assistant xOJfWykLmQCc8lKlzMlrLA 5.0 iPhone 4s Siri
AttestationUniqueDeviceID 0KHhsv2F/BGA9AppFljmKg
AudioPlaybackCapability paR6NqTecAD44x45kzV87g Whether the device supports audio playback
auto-focus-camera o0axLo6LGt8HbuEWdLZ92Q 3.0 iPhone 3GS Camera can autofocus on subjects
AV1DecodingCapability PJKxdi6epBZAu1rqAsrcjQ The device is capable of decoding AV1 video in hardware.
AvailableDisplayZoomSizes ILaGO+KV5JAOq7Q5GEwbWQ Resolution options the user can select from for the internal display.
avatar-camera NnjMKIIAarYqUsQjrLAzCA
AVDDecodingRate J1QHVh74Nnd6Rqyiq71/yw
AWDID MWduuAGptrl7qIzWqBmOqQ AWD ID key
AWDLCapability XI87Zkcr5j1B/p2dom/B6A The device supports AWDL for device-to-device communication.
BacklightCapability 1DQNgySZSIjPqLWroIzfiQ The device has a display backlight.
BasebandAPTimeSync HXTqT3UXOKuTEklxz+wMAA GPIO support for BB-AP time sync
BasebandBoardSnum ToJGxfcjkIerYyeL2e8c4A Serial number of the device's baseband board. Not to be confused with the device serial number (kMGQSerialNumber) or the baseband's serial number (kMGQBasebandSerialNumber)
BasebandCertId Q5QHkCRPRmiX3L/5xxKrRg Baseband's cert ID
BasebandChipId eNgz35a7iZnVeEMwsBQZew Chip ID number for the baseband
BasebandChipset pB5sZVvnp+QjZQtt2KfQvA Baseband's chipset
BasebandClass XQBHOWjPt2P+uNqlLm1P7A Baseband's class
BasebandFirmwareManifestData FkD7K642S082lnfw/ohHzg Provisioning manifest
BasebandFirmwareUpdateInfo Djv9tHz6MLdTUDjnkq0obQ Baseband Firmware Update Info from Vinyl
BasebandFirmwareVersion PQzmRjKVMistuIVsqs6QXA Version number of the firmware installed on the baseband
BasebandKeyHashInformation H5HW20mJr/djc40tAehkww Baseband's key hash information
BasebandPostponementStatus vaiFeAcMTIDXMSxTr8JwCw Baseband's postponement status
BasebandPostponementStatusBlob YUobJKXH3+ukrUe13TXL3Q Baseband's postponement status Blob
BasebandRegionSKU 91LyMcx4z1w3SGVeqteMnA Baseband's region SKU
BasebandRegionSKURadioTechnology Z3gOHeppbL6+rblIe8H5Ag The radio technology word (the second word) of the baseband's region SKU
BasebandSecurityInfoBlob EImfMz+bzJrUkVQKyY6tEg Baseband's security Blob
BasebandSerialNumber Nmhz54v5ZLqj2I4NPFIFqQ Serial number of the baseband
BasebandStatus CN64p1hw1JVdTHCfBdgPLQ Baseband's postponement status for activation purposes
BasebandUniqueId vIccod02kDxScKF5s2h6OA Baseband unique ID in form of <baseband chipid>-<baseband snum>
BatteryCurrentCapacity f2DlVMUVcV+MeWs/g2ku+g The battery capacity in milliampere hours (mAh).
BatteryIsCharging sLe8lqXRlqZM74MNUoVcyQ Battery is currently charging.
BatteryIsFullyCharged jgE7MmmkZAG0BiWVqD7bMQ Battery is fully charged.
BatterySerialNumber DcQNvnO5Uhpc1jjGIrzyng Serial number of the battery.
BlueLightReductionSupported F1Xz9g1JORibBS9DYPUPrg The device supports Night Shift.
bluetooth XSLlJd/8sMyXO0qtvvUTBQ Device hardware supports Bluetooth.
BluetoothAddress k5lVWbXuiZHLA17KGiVUAA MAC address of the Bluetooth radio, as a string.
BluetoothAddressData jSDzacs4RYWnWxn142UBLQ MAC address of the Bluetooth radio, as binary data.
bluetooth-le 8/HMvzDR3J6m0aY3NYeqcg 5.0 iPhone 4s Bluetooth Low Energy
BluetoothLE2Capability q3JBrhzy5fyJ1+LAITPW0w Whether the device supports low energy bluetooth 2
BoardId 0uthiXrHZ212KvcJizKHEw Device's board ID
BoardRevision VqRhf8vgXr9B+SYvpnX39g Device's board revision tracking hardware phases
BootManifestHash Qq9/Mya05P4ToEr1pMpGGg Hash of the boot manifest
BootNonce 1Rm/mWYEI5ttaC0dJ3sHBQ Boot nonce used for personalization
BridgeBuild GxXmRWHjsY5yAVhMfCH6Lg what build is bridge running
BridgeRestoreVersion Glo+aTkt0Uw31BghCxnsyQ The restore bundle version currently running on the Bridge. This should be used for restore purposes only
BuddyLanguagesAnimationRequiresOptimization z+5gEULGC7aEYopBd4ggpA Whether the device requires Buddy to perform optimizations when displaying its language animation
BuildID qwXfFvH5jPXPxrny0XuGtQ UUID of the installed build from the SystemVersion.plist
BuildVersion mZfUC7qo4pURNhyMHZ62RQ Build version of the installed OS, e.g., "8F110"
c2k-device tdUWKiiM7JdctnzQuvaVVA
caller-id tad3RCjcWdkyLSVI8kUBtA
call-forwarding 57eLnXynqDlQaGEi+9JAtQ
call-waiting eXCYx/SHTZIn5LInWvZByw
CameraAppUIVersion NszbG6qiAztVal4mpDQRkg Indicates which UI style should be used by the Camera App.
camera-flash jdLgKT+0BZmGrzd9J0cuPA Rear camera
camera-front-flash fJZs6N8SqTS4RuQVh3szxA
CameraHDR2Capability cWWKdUn+rIclZ60ZGAVhBw Whether the device supports HDR 2.0
CameraHDRVersion +97cHA72jHlHqQnIkgGBYg Returns the HDR version supported by the device
CameraIMUDistanceType aDuN0jCthN9lLu4qQ9OrEA
CameraLiveEffectsCapability 03hWmMtMs+4nzama4/PzHQ Whether the device supports live effects (including B&W)
CameraMaxBurstLength gBw7IWiBnLHaA+lBrZBgWw The maximum number of burst photos that can be taken at a time.
cameraRestriction 2pxKjejpRGpWvUE+3yp5mQ Camera access disabled in Screen Time settings.
CarrierBundleInfoArray 475wW3fne+tyzGr4wleUSQ The array of carrier bundles returned by CT. Requres entitlement
CarrierInstallCapability 9n2qz3uDC5nSe1xZG1/Bkw Whether the installed OS is a carrier build
cell-broadcast CN/XFuy/9Fdv0yE+28kwRQ
cellular-data L5al7b+7JATD/izSJeH0aQ Wireless modem
CellularTelephonyCapability ebyBs0j3KAquBsgcfrNZIg Whether the device is capable of cellular telephony (identical to kMGQTelephonyCapability)
CertificateProductionStatus uO3aPe7lfB1XxSiz/1xBvA Raw production status
CertificateSecurityMode eg8KDO//lXaLwp+URGP6DA Raw security mode status
ChipID 566JrJVMlDfnslGpwUzNlQ The CPID of the SoC, as an integer
CloudPhotoLibraryCapability 8OTc3mN30ACaEwecgpKfXA Whether the device supports Cloud Photo Library
CoastlineGlowRenderingCapability diS7AlmwFZz6NyF7CY97sA Whether the device can render the coastline glow
CompassCalibration qb//mYg6KeTmjv8w4ZAMIg The calibration data of the first compass returned from IOKit
CompassCalibrationDictionary aoAKcHLuTUp/o3squcJkhA The calibration data of the all compasses returned from IOKit
CompassType meLhyIpGgxiQoFZD/OGPcQ Returns the type of compass present in the device, where 0 is no compass.
CompatibleAppVariants VuGdqp8UBpi9vPWHlPluVQ The "family" this device belongs to, indicating the format of App Store app that can be installed on the device.
ComputerName v5YVEwERRin1v+reUNjJ5w User-supplied name of the device.
ConfigNumber SmUPjD77AHIMCLny9nawdw config-number from devicetree as sint32
contains-cellular-radio yRZv0s7Dpj8ZBk0S+0+nMA
ContinuityCapability y0jtYciPmcx3ywPM582WZw Whether the device supports continuity
CoreRoutineCapability g7vU4YF+9Z+wkSvw/Cm8Dg Whether the device has CoreRoutine capabilty
CoverglassSerialNumber OWi11Urd09rDmPVy1z5dOQ Serial number of the glass installed with the display of the device
CPUArchitecture k7QIBwZJJOVw+Sej/8h8VA SoC's native CPU architecture.
CPUSubType AWEfP3xWh0q1MjO3JAy/AA The native Mach-O cpu_subtype of the device.
CPUType xZm4Ky2/qswyf7ykvlchYg The native Mach-O cpu_type of the device.
data-plan KGlZoljMyZQSxfhROj0IFg
DebugBoardRevision DrSqlXYNVfYXCvAsuUrUDA debug-board-revision key from IODeviceTree:/chosen
delay-sleep-for-headset-click Mh+drGtyBfLYKN02sROzxg
DesenseBuild OWLyWlUOIkl+eQB7Iq37xQ Whether the installed OS is a desense build
DeviceAlwaysPrewarmActuator M+WPVivF4iTnm1CC8c6h+A Is haptic actuator in prewarm mode when screen is on
DeviceBackGlassMaterial bUJD9zcOcitJwFA0ieIkxA Type of glass material used on the rear of the device (SysCfg key BGMt).
DeviceBackingColor CJcvxERO5v/3IWjDFKZKRw Enumeration value of the color on the back the device (SysCfg key ClBg).
DeviceBrand fuKL2rMywRgQF1wowOA/cg What Brand is the Device
DeviceClass +3Uf0Pm5F8Xy7Onyvko0vA Device class for this device. One of the kMGDeviceClass* constants defined below
DeviceClassNumber mtrAoWJ3gsq+I90ZnQ0vQw Device class (one of the MGDeviceClass enum values)
DeviceColor mumHZHMLEfAuTkkd28fHlQ Enumeration value of the general color of the device.
DeviceColorMapPolicy 87sSAh2rboMI2TDvFBimkg Color remapping policy for kMGQDeviceRGBColor and kMGQDeviceEnclosureRGBColor (one of the MGDeviceColorMapPolicy enum values)
DeviceCoprocessorIsT1 TLU8Pwcsys+5y2UFoMOjPA
DeviceCornerRadius y5dppxx/LzxoNuW+iIKR3g The pixel corner radius matching the physical corners of the display.
DeviceCoverGlassColor 9N7qIucqhr0Cy2/Tk27/hw Enumeration value of the color on the front of the device, around the display glass (SysCfg value ClCg).
DeviceCoverGlassMaterial gnQwi8RnEeMG9qBe3IUKrg Enumeration value of the material used on the front of the device, around the display glass (SysCfg value CGMt).
DeviceCoverMaterial iaegRQa4jNGOuTA6hnZmcQ Returns cover glass type (one of the MGDeviceCoverMaterial)
DeviceDefaultsToAnalyticsOptIn TpY9O1U1rtUk/m0BvlO58A
DeviceEnclosureColor JhEU414EIaDvAz8ki5DSqw Enumeration value of the color on the enclosure of the device.
DeviceEnclosureMaterial AtmPEO/j+Pdr8+WKxv4Aaw Enumeration value of the color used on the enclosure of the device (SysCfg value EnMt).
DeviceEnclosureRGBColor TXZxlSojLMQyLqusm9aa/g Device enclosure color as an RGB integer.
DeviceHasAggregateCamera 0/VAyl58TL5U/mAQEJNRQw Device has multiple rear cameras.
DeviceHasEmbeddedSIMOnlyBoard UDftNoVOBIs9cSeia57q1A Device does not have a physical SIM tray; this has been replaced by a virtual eSIM.
DeviceHasNAN YgC2TeHCEwzJ/ixqmNCzwQ
DeviceHousingColor NJsxTSI2WuD+13rxShXX9w Returns Housing Color (via ClHS) - (think - enclosure color)
DeviceHousingColorUncooked 0GizaJLOyfzgAbxQ/5aniA
DeviceIsMuseCapable VGDDUFPWHbX/Ie9RSI0yDQ Specifies device's Muse capability.
DeviceIsNED NDnoY3adyyskgiIQBNtlyQ
DeviceIsPortableMac T0FD6BT+PiWc2duMVlTRww The device is a MacBook.
DeviceKeyboardCalibration DrrXMX9VWX7bMj0MZuhTUA [Factory only] Returns the keyboard language information on bridgeOS for the keyboard AppleCare workflow
DeviceLaunchTimeLimitScale emXA9B552rnSoI7xXE91DA Launch watchdog timeouts.
DeviceLowBatteryLevel XnXl4MhKZx3zRKvA7ZwIYQ The battery percentage that incurs a "low battery" warning. 20% on iPhones, 10% on iPads and Macs.
DeviceMesaType iTvGxmtSOnHv548XON379A
DeviceName rkqlwPcRHwixY4gapPjanw Device name for the device. One of the kMGDeviceName* constants defined below
device-name JUWcn+5Ss0nvr5w/jk4WEg Device class, e.g. "iPhone"
device-name-localized +VIu65zA5EW4ztayJXvOUg Device class, localized into the user's preferred language
DevicePrefers3DBuildingStrokes xbNo7dj2oAnz92JhEOn9tw Whether the device prefers 3D building strokes for performance reasons
DevicePrefersBuildingStrokes QFnvO2shAYI+d4bj3qXuFQ Whether the device prefers building strokes for performance reasons
DevicePrefersCheapTrafficShaders 7D54DikSnFQnbDEBwlKQTQ Whether the device prefers cheap traffic shaders for performance reasons
DevicePrefersProceduralAntiAliasing bysMryc4yLwQjKvUQGGXXQ Whether the device prefers procedural antialiasing over texture-based antialiasing for road rendering
DevicePrefersTrafficAlpha 0VkTunHOJrrZdolQXR5gCg Whether the device prefers using alpha for traffic for performance reasons
DeviceProximityCapability 9RryeqF6OCWlbaXP2Qsoag Whether the device supports Rose / R1 chip
DeviceRequiresPetalOptimization 82Ono2SP03rNGkhOc5O1Mw Does the Device Require Petal Optimization
DeviceRequiresProximityAmeliorations r5QUsvvgcb2Qmuflua13fQ Whether the device requires proximity ameliorations
DeviceRequiresSoftwareBrightnessCalculations 2Qf/8sQyx6voo3Mw3QKgZQ Does device require software brightness calculations
DeviceRGBColor 8/tysfSvORoyVg9IE901oQ Color of the device's case/cover glass as an RGB value (0xrrggbb)
DeviceSceneUpdateTimeLimitScale QbQzuIbef01P4JeoL9EmKg App resume watchdog timeouts.
DeviceStingHousingColor rtIWWK0kM4F+ZMkIqhE7yQ
DeviceSubBrand wtUF1NceYeLT6IHovZvocw What Sub Brand is the Device
DeviceSuportsExternalDriverKit GFBh/UJXPx/WDLe2qhu/xA
DeviceSupports1080p Mk4ZslaChmO+6s3h7L1w6Q Whether the device supports 1080p video
DeviceSupports3DImagery ohnQBWkVQf2nu9Vr/9uLug Whether the device supports maps with three-dimensional imagery
DeviceSupports3DMaps HIaq6xVZ/V8B9pnigcvqCA Whether the device supports three-dimensional maps
DeviceSupports4G eu8pUYR7yo+AlS9aojlgwg Whether the device supports 4G cellular data
DeviceSupports4k Fh2Ga0/Sj4T3Qn5Z9A9BMw Whether the device supports 4K video
DeviceSupports720p lwHRTZNO5Jq87pVlzdNGIA Whether the device supports 720p video
DeviceSupports9Pin qWGVjnlN/wWMhlWgfNcSBg Whether the device has a 9 pin (E75) connector
DeviceSupportsAbsoluteAltimeter PFnuFyqMMnGUQQnTqS5byg
DeviceSupportsAbsoluteDepth Ijs+pw5tRyxqSy5kfgZNuQ
DeviceSupportsActiveNFCReadingOnly rGc8UCjL0zBt51mv81FtIg
DeviceSupportsAdaptiveMapsUI whbsdxpLirBFgUbLH3+0JA Whether the device should use high quality graphics in maps
DeviceSupportsAdvancedMapRendering UoeNJcQ336tc+F5/1r4tqQ
DeviceSupportsAdvancedVoiceProcessorChatFlavor 52jOwM53SViDv1B3wZIIOg
DeviceSupportsAlmond lAu7Xt7uV5eHu3pIdfHyYA
DeviceSupportsAlwaysListening U+73bmG4kBGj6kpreQXUTQ The device is capable of always-on listening for "Hey Siri".
DeviceSupportsAlwaysOnCompass aCQx2Qq/TChnNAq1rr6Egw Whether the device supports Always On Compass
DeviceSupportsAlwaysOnTime j8/Omm6s1lsmTDFsXjsBfA Does the device support Always On Time Functionality
DeviceSupportsAOP HHF6YgqEQ9Kd7MBSVnLsgg Device has an always-on coprocessor.
DeviceSupportsAppleLPM RbiXiBQAmypd3Btw3jADAw
DeviceSupportsApplePencil yhHcB0iH0d1XzPO/CFd3ow Apple Pencil
DeviceSupportsASTC ji56BO1mUeT7Qg9RO7Er9w Adaptive Scalable Texture Compression
DeviceSupportsAutoLowLightVideo AX/UKxSHwm+OuFRIdvNAfg Whether the device supports automatic low-light video.
DeviceSupportsAvatars y4GIxpQP4MO/j3wWUJdiyg Whether the device supports avatars and stickers.
DeviceSupportsBatteryModuleAuthentication D6/BMDrlb8V3WSiqL8gL+w Does the device support BatteryModule authentication.
DeviceSupportsBeacon ugia43pinTp0pukSIYQ7uA
DeviceSupportsBerkelium2 wNdWl5xfBJmJGNWJr5t0zA Does the Device support Berkelium2
DeviceSupportsBootChime QHxt+hGLaBPbQJbXiUJX3w The device plays a chime when it turns on.
DeviceSupportsBrook TR6Z82EVZEKMVUdHfkhDmQ
DeviceSupportsCameraCaptureOnTouchDown gQDt76Te0SPw7N8oTLrBFw Whether the device supports camera capture on touchdown.
DeviceSupportsCameraDeferredProcessing E9a3UzlfYjWEB9viQCHNAA Whether the device supports Deferred Processing
DeviceSupportsCameraHaptics XriAxQ+JY1z5nt5f3ftXVw Does the device support campera haptics
DeviceSupportsCarIntegration XFtUsQP3AyqT4CazSb5VCw Whether the device supports car integration (non-overrideable; see also kMGQStarkCapability)
DeviceSupportsCarPlay2 PR+xeEtTAiUN0R25+EYGfw
DeviceSupportsCCK L47fh6KehOmR+AseqK2Xsw The device supports the Camera Connection Kit accessory.
DeviceSupportsCinnamon j1pdCAYnpIEYMqIAitm3JA Does the device support Cinnamon
DeviceSupportsClosedLoopHaptics gqDnklGQnpv5ilgh5uHckw Whether the device supports Closed Loop Haptics - check DeviceSupportsHaptics first
DeviceSupportsCollisionSOS HCzWusHQwZDea6nNhaKndw
DeviceSupportsCompassOrienteering GPIs61LYNpcwZqwlFr7bbg
DeviceSupportsConcurrentHPLPMics dI30ovtFUIeLioNQKDMbGQ
DeviceSupportsCorrectedTemperature E0wrprlNya8gngoVpPXj2w
DeviceSupportsCrudeProx a/mex6YNO6gJ8N8SxAA71A Whether the device supports Crude Prox
DeviceSupportsCyclingAutoStartReminders e8KVLQDfW5n4LxdE3N84Xw
DeviceSupportsDClr XkfGVYlrkBQJgaGabHESJQ Whether the device uses DClr instead of ClrC
DeviceSupportsDCP IhNb6V2L1pt+hBlZMsm5FQ
DeviceSupportsDisplayPort CoWnN4xo783YGn4wLrUatA
DeviceSupportsDoNotDisturbWhileDriving Kq9K9xqDoUiUP7JEfg+pNw The device is capable of detecting when the user is driving, enabling Do Not Disturb automatically.
DeviceSupportsDynamicEndOfCharge drMm12aFyD64om7eXVFRVA
DeviceSupportsDynamicEndOfChargeLegacyHW nfR1IphTGCaoFNu3NrCtWQ
DeviceSupportseARC K57p2Tit1BlJ8rFbLl/Nqg
DeviceSupportsELabel awim/yUQvLyTrKsoKhg2bA Whether the device supports year of manufacturing e-Label
DeviceSupportsEnhancedAC3 kyszW/uUGJFTVNQwFaf6og Whether the device supports EnhancedAC3 decode (identical to kMGQDeviceSupports64Bit)
DeviceSupportsEnhancedMultitasking qeaj75wk3HF4DwQ8qbIi7g The device is capable of enabling Stage Manager
DeviceSupportsEnvironmentalDosimetry SaW+DA+cbiqDHrex8MTABA Whether the device supports envrionmental audio exposure.
DeviceSupportsExternalHDR feC7TgoAAKLjn/KU8JAKFA Whether the device can support external HDR
DeviceSupportsFairPlaySecureVideoPath trBC4VS5gVmCv6Wg41Hryw
DeviceSupportsFloorCounting nK4D+jDUuTGFFwRFPC2lWg The device is capable of counting flights of stairs walked by the user.
DeviceSupportsFrameSynchronousBrightness /oWN4fE81uA9pCW4FmD7Ug
DeviceSupportsGrey 8Vbp0HyqndjWuIFZibhu7g
DeviceSupportsHaptics cBy4BcYs5YWtFHbBpt4C6A 9.0 iPhone 6s The device has a Taptic Engine. Distinct from a basic vibration motor.
DeviceSupportsHardwareDetents V9pLLbPQhyb75bbdTioZVw Does the device support hardware detents
DeviceSupportsHDRDeferredProcessing JkZlE8z9YwHjE1hnbMhcgA Whether the device supports Deferred Processing (identical to kMGQDeviceSupportsCameraDeferredProcessing)
DeviceSupportsHDRPhotoDisplay a1r7npIrhXsZ7SmKRKC1eA
DeviceSupportsHeartHealthAlerts H+r3Nk8ByXIY9ub/M8broA Whether the device supports heart health alerts
DeviceSupportsHeartRateVariability /Oajtq8qODrC4XBBOULF3A Whether the device supports HRV/SDNN
DeviceSupportsHiResBuildings MjqwTHDneTCNeqhZ7vCvUw Whether the device supports maps with high resolution building images
DeviceSupportsInductiveCharging s7nuHoZIYNoOHCqT9iyZkQ The device can charge wirelessly, whether through the Qi charging standard, or Apple Watch proprietary charging design.
DeviceSupportsLaguna s8TgWYc7BjtSNbtuycqauw
DeviceSupportsLineIn Mgwtle8wzQEz/0vzBk47FQ Device supports line audio input.
DeviceSupportsLiquidDetection_CorrosionMitigation XxnEk9uiIk5vCdbWEGt7lA Device can prevent charging to avoid corrosion from liquid damage in the charge port.
DeviceSupportsLivePhotoAuto pQzfsK0Ado+nkNFgPRIA8Q Does the device support Live Photo Auto
DeviceSupportsLiveVideoRendering xqvkN8MjIzTv37omKFzrwg
DeviceSupportsLockdown 7ZipyD32hkjOUTl66Q8REw
DeviceSupportsLongFormAudio tBrEf4ccS4Q6wtUiNB0WKw Does the device support long form audio
DeviceSupportsLowLatency 1CFbwvaGHR/89vDu2VjnpQ
DeviceSupportsMapsBlurredUI 5y8gwXr/HXkhryza4xQeFg Whether the device supports Maps Blurred UI
DeviceSupportsMapsOpticalHeading nJU6/TSuJTVJlJ7t5/Z/ug Whether the device supports AR navigation in maps.
DeviceSupportsMomentCapture DtSpvgyOyNVwNa5W0zigqg Indicates whether or not a device supports the long-press video recording from photo mode.
DeviceSupportsMTP 68eiAurB2LJ96Vz/CzaAcA Device supports viewing and importing photos from the device over USB (MTP protocol).
DeviceSupportsMultiUser il2TbGC66RCTKaEgSOVlgQ
DeviceSupportsNavigation ee9YfVjjsbVte45bYSt4Wg Whether the device supports navigation
DeviceSupportsNewton nAl8QWlApaJQkipRf38fdg Device supports fall detection.
DeviceSupportsNFC SBe5o/DMF5Z94MS+ZzmBCA The device has NFC hardware.
DeviceSupportsOnDemandPhotoAnalysis ik8OQ5JoYhyK8AoTx29MuA Whether the device supports on-demand photo analysis.
DeviceSupportsP3ColorspaceVideoRecording 1eBwtCIwbIDdC80wiyzfow Videos can be recorded in the Display P3 color space.
DeviceSupportsPeriodicALSUpdates Leuy56dCZmAMYoVCQGTfPA Whether the device's ambient light sensor provides periodic light level updates
DeviceSupportsPhotosLocalLight m9ORTKMgu9A+zF+A61Zz5A The device supports the local light feature in photos.
DeviceSupportsPortraitIntensityAdjustments L8CqbJeM+rf7l7NSOjnAHg The intensity of blur effects on portrait photos can be adjusted from the Photos library.
DeviceSupportsPortraitLightEffectFilters hewg+QX1h57eGJGphdCong Device supports several portrait light effects, other than a standard depth-of-field blur.
DeviceSupportsRaiseToSpeak 4D8XW4YwJI7QvyPhv1TEdw The user can raise the device to speak to Siri.
DeviceSupportsReverseZoom sQwlfROu8fcD1Qwm8YJVeg
DeviceSupportsRGB10 hOkus/A6lBEF6Ar3jV7LrQ Does device suppoort RGB-10/w30r
DeviceSupportsScandium eXzS2kvF8nNOI/xIJKquHg
DeviceSupportsSecureDoubleClick DoMjIR2qPkxXtP/kDu/gfQ
DeviceSupportsSecureMicrophone 7UhDrmrZozgwO+3AgUbHxw
DeviceSupportsSideButtonClickSpeed Bg8VW4HdQj+GVY+191T3nQ Whether the device supports customizing the side button click speed
DeviceSupportsSiDP q69vauqK9djnPlEZBFBV4A Does the device support SiDataProtection
DeviceSupportsSimplisticRoadMesh ChBMzkxYdT9Xmw3QN5kMWA Whether the device supports simplified road meshes
DeviceSupportsSingleCameraPortrait FymLPtOEy6FdE7TmKeoTdg 12.0 iPhone XR The device has a single rear camera that can use Portrait mode.
DeviceSupportsSingleDisplayEnhancedMultitasking fbpzGGoBNcvDLt4LlZGnfA
DeviceSupportsSiriBargeIn WXi7NQbOKnEX4vPQFeZAdQ Whether the device supports having Siri barge-in / echo-cancellation.
DeviceSupportsSiriHub waGD2UTpntjbDXD1r3oALQ
DeviceSupportsSiriSpeaks PTQ+ABwag03BwO/CKvIK/A Does watch suppoort Siri Speaks
DeviceSupportsSiriSpokenMessages 0AJUv/uYPsRiZNGpWJ7zfg Whether the device supports having Siri read incoming messages.
DeviceSupportsSiriUnderstandingOnDevice K/R1GfGfCkXvEhaPS2Vrng
DeviceSupportsSpatialFaceTimeAudioPlayback /EVOCjM/Nmb2roP5ebtEFA
DeviceSupportsSpatialOverCapture SjQQ07G8UacM7E69G7dPbg Indicates if spatial overcapture is supported.
DeviceSupportsStageLightPortraitPreview IMUksyctl4kC/BFI2K/Qyw
DeviceSupportsStereoAudioRecording YlK+0xmxNWhNn/+r8SM8kA Multiple microphones on the device can be used to record audio in stereo.
DeviceSupportsStudioLightPortraitPreview oLjiDs+BWEdMVbjE0x6cnw Whether the device supports previews for studio light portraits
DeviceSupportsSwimmingWorkouts cRjPy4Ef+KZwJ+nfPeBV5Q Apple Watch supports a swimming workout type.
DeviceSupportsSWProRes oWUSugFxOVhHOKYv7DawLw
DeviceSupportsTapToWake yZf3GTRMGTuwSV/lD7Cagw Display can be tapped to wake up the device.
DeviceSupportsTelephonyOverUSB YiUtBQygkHRhLcdO3LFB4A Whether the device supports telephony over USB
DeviceSupportsTethering xSh3mf5+Zuoz6xhxEah0zQ Whether the device supports tethering
DeviceSupportsThunderbolt 4ec+Q3FdQ1N0HeNpOPsmfA USB Type-C ports are capable of Thunderbolt.
DeviceSupportsTimeInDaylight 8gVfz9/8R1OtWBBtI0o/+Q
DeviceSupportsToneMapping Lcu6Zck+C/+AMO8qULacDw Whether the device supports Tone Mapping
DeviceSupportsUnconditionalPluckItCollection 1N37hGont/jibw4G2hwdRg
DeviceSupportsUSBTypeC BWoQXWXYITrPRpFyc9xTLw Device uses USB Type-C.
DeviceSupportsUSBTypeCDisplay khE304sL66yzf7K+2e+0cw Device can render an image on a display attached via USB Type-C.
DeviceSupportsVoiceOverCanUseSiriVoice tbBVomzeDyPq15QV5VGQGg Whether voiceover is enabled to use the default Siri voice.
DeviceSupportsVSHCompensation QuSuh/r6w4M730U5XhKzrg Whether the device supports VSH compensation
DeviceSupportsWebkit sJmYs82RucA1MWX5jHFSjA Device can load HTML content using WebKit.
DeviceSupportsWirelessSplitting 2zyzecwSf2ZYRpB3tuQhOQ Does the device support audio splitting on wireless links
DeviceSupportsYCbCr10 v2Q3tLoD4+o/XazHC/0FyA Does device support YCbCr-10
DeviceVariant SvI9oDkzw4XJFd+dKen/2Q The device's variant (either the guess, see kMGQDeviceVariantGuess, or the actual variant as returned from activation)
DeviceVariantGuess IMLaTlxS7ITtwfbRfPYWuA The device's best guess at its variant
DiagData 67x5O+zO+JwnGgmKlq+qdA The device's diagnostic data
dictation 1uZbhSbBhsNCsVSsopZ4qg 5.0 iPhone 4s Microphone key on on-screen keyboard
DieId Z/TJS0IaLyq10dcSvUTGPg Device's die ID
DiskUsage uyejyEdaxNWSRQQwHmXz1A Dictionary of disk usage statistics.
DisplayBootRotation m7lDS+oP8q0pGg+CO7RvPg Orientation used for the boot logo.
DisplayDriverICChipID yPqGUljqvtItkM6XMCZaQw Device's display driver IC Chip ID
DisplayInactiveBrightnessClass Z+gc4OJwBMm2YaVtp4usig
DisplayMaxNits awLQ2KgwSTZswuKgSSjmEQ Maximum brightness of the display, measured in nits.
display-mirroring iFOX66VmcijipO3YRc+AXg ? iPad 2 AirPlay whole screen streaming
displayport vl45ziHlkqzh1Yt6+M9vBA Can output video through dock connector
DMin ZEF0po63sTgpVrc9Ce7YNQ Device's DMin content
driverkit Tqr2NqCLwGszJc3HOaPlTw The device supports DriverKit drivers.
DualSIMActivationPolicyCapable jkr5aFPOh/d6zTzNKYthBw Whether the device could support dualSIM
DynamicFunctionRowSerialNumber Bb01MNJ0ezfSmzucKZXrsg
EffectiveProductionStatusAp AQiIpW0UeYQKnhy2da7AXg Current AP production status (if demoted, after-demotion status)
EffectiveProductionStatusSEP PNexcW/LBlPgAm+Skp2EAg Current SEP production status (if demoted, after-demotion status)
EffectiveSecurityModeAp vENa/R1xAXLobl8r3PBL6w Current AP security mode status (if demoted, after-demotion status)
EffectiveSecurityModeSEP QJSuJ2zhdxYX/7DUA2JtUw Current SEP security mode status (if demoted, after-demotion status)
encode-aac fqNtLlgbYfa9gSNrhg7VGQ
encrypted-data-partition i8+iwUtLtB5jT+WNvqwrEA 3.0 iPhone 3GS Hardware encryption for iPhone 3GS and newer devices
enforce-googlemail Js8HVdVGRs8m5v94pMjkRw Use the "Google Mail" brand, rather than "Gmail", where Google historically didn't hold a trademark for Gmail, such as in the UK
enforce-shutter-click xJUG7IKySthRrPcxII184g Force camera shutter sound to be played even when the phone is in silent mode in regions such as Japan - look in Regional*.plist files under Celestial framework
EOSHalleyConfiguration bt5D9RI67C9koJO1oZ5cfg
EphemeralDataModeEnabled sNm4HYxfChAt48rf54qAyQ
EphemeralDataModeOverride mx9l9PlJACEcOixUVDZEjg
EthernetMacAddress VG9TCKNqNLCHk0J6zTkuVQ MAC address of built-in ethernet adapter, as a string.
EthernetMacAddressData aOq/O8u9f/bpWUnKco+xgA MAC address of built-in ethernet adapter, as binary data.
EUICCChipID qWG594bTi87edQCSYxlLeA EUICC Chip ID of the hardware platform
ExclaveCapability oAX1wYJl2iL3BX2G9LA7iw
explicitContentRestriction AthxlkPBk46HtzM9AxK9vg "Explicit" songs and podcasts disabled in Screen Time settings.
ExtendedLOMMacAddress WAfNjeiwOd/k6+VU6D6SIQ
ExternalChargeCapability NPzjaX07XnS4KcMZ+l8ymA Whether the device can be externally charged
external-driverkit OwiopkU88VSKJX7zgoWPpQ
ExternalPowerSourceConnected na6PSBfq05lkAfWkwAwaGg Whether a power adapter is currently attached to the device.
FaceTimeBackCameraTemporalNoiseReductionMode JXmZWYUbLoumvz7hu/GL0A Back camera's temporal noise reduction value
FaceTimeBitRate2G Nhm02nvVOaQPimpOshlO1g Bitrate used for FaceTime video over 2G networks.
FaceTimeBitRate3G 1rf3rZXIZFgznqrHlPehuQ Bitrate used for FaceTime video over 3G networks.
FaceTimeBitRateLTE xunfK8NYNCS75N2z2buKWQ Bitrate used for FaceTime video over LTE networks.
FaceTimeBitRateWiFi h8xonkkn/NzDMvvCXLw8cQ Bitrate used for FaceTime video over Wi-Fi.
FaceTimeCameraRequiresFastSwitchOptions J912s3mVzhReVtPv4HwqNQ Whether the FaceTime camera requires fast switch
FaceTimeCameraSupportsHardwareFaceDetection Po0s2Vf6g2ZqymKGNLFxeQ Whether the device supports face detection in hardware
FaceTimeDecodings yl8qmYPdAhFLeDBho10sdQ Supported decodings, array of dictionaries, W/H/F keys -> kCFNumberIntType values
FaceTimeEncodings BoNz1QXiAEUgic9RdMVLIg Supported encodings, array of dictionaries, W/H/F keys -> kCFNumberIntType values
FaceTimeFrontCameraTemporalNoiseReductionMode CK3I7fFGkgeqzKEhGew9rQ Front camera's temporal noise reduction value
FaceTimePhotosOptIn 4RgFi8v1sfuhCZhRdQkxxQ Whether device should be opt-in for FaceTime Live Photos
FaceTimePreferredDecoding APeknA55ZAcu0FcufqVN4Q Preferred decoding, dictionary of W/H/F keys -> kCFNumberIntType values
FaceTimePreferredEncoding ct5Dh6u0D6WDJKg2PrMFVQ Preferred encoding, dictionary of W/H/F keys -> kCFNumberIntType values
fcc-logos-via-software ueuuYQk48HGWm/cJlHq/Dw Device is allowed to display regulatory logos in software, found at Settings/General/About/[Legal]/Regulatory
FDRSealingStatus VHTcx7WQq0V7YgGKZisRWA Whether the device's FDR data is sealed
FirmwareNonce VLfT+eziZYKNjRASM6ntnQ The modem's firmware nonce data
FirmwarePreflightInfo qOwiNS0eFEq9oi3MNsgxWg The preflight info from the modem used to personalize the BBFW image
FirmwareVersion LeSRsiLoJCMhjn6nd6GWbQ The version of iBoot that booted the device.
FirstPartyLaunchTimeLimitScale NUYAz1eq3Flzt7ZQxXC/ng Additional scaling of first-party launches
FMFAllowed Y2Y67z0Nq/XdDXgW2EeaVg The device is allowed to use Find My Friends.
ForwardCameraCapability H97G3GzDYb4wY5kwJ0AKfQ Whether the device has a forward-facing camera
FrontCameraOffsetFromDisplayCenter uksZ8eaKeV5sUpLNBPafww The X and Y position of the front camera relative to the center of the display.
FrontCameraRotationFromDisplayNormal g5LBi+DCiP5+jUnWVL7Y9w Array of pitch, yaw and roll for the front camera based on the normal to the screen.
front-depth-camera 8S7ydMJ4DlCUF38/hI/fJA 11.0 iPhone X The device has a TrueDepth camera, used by Face ID
front-facing-camera mAAbkChrX3bpxPIffHG1BQ 4.0 iPhone 4 Can take photos using Front-Facing Camera
FrontFacingCameraAutoHDRCapability fv8ZXM/NhUHQBQqCSk19cA Whether the device's front camera supports auto HDR
FrontFacingCameraBurstCapability Ty5/C8UDfdjcdR853kulmA Whether the device's front camera supports burst mode
FrontFacingCameraHDRCapability 7W2eNk/f6uewC8N58mlRrQ Front camera supports high dynamic range.
FrontFacingCameraHDROnCapability HnHX0gXt8RvhMQzIVMM7hw Whether the device can have hdr set for the front facing camera
FrontFacingCameraHFRCapability 1gsBzuZsXu2rXZJBE01M0w Front camera supports high frame rate for slo-mo video.
FrontFacingCameraHFRVideoCapture1080pMaxFPS mL1lk3ZVGDFUQhxU9YLW6Q The maximum frame rate supported for 1080p slo-mo video on the front camera.
FrontFacingCameraHFRVideoCapture720pMaxFPS TqAfAH10ANDgiG7V2u8BkQ The maximum frame rate supported for 720p slo-mo video on the front camera.
FrontFacingCameraMaxVideoZoomFactor ZeGw3VKUymUAbp4noKsxoQ The device's front camera max video zoom factor
FrontFacingCameraModuleSerialNumber qlcdNkarcGLcbW3HvBhwaA Serial number of front facing RGB camera
FrontFacingCameraSingleCameraPortrait fYsrGTmVTbneEs3HKetEdQ The front camera can use Portrait mode.
FrontFacingCameraStageLightPortraitCaptureCapability ocYC+NyuthjbvU9CyI4Z8Q
FrontFacingCameraStillDurationForBurst TDM8SEI14n2KE9PGHO0a4A Max Single Frame Duration for Front Facing Camera in Burst Mode
FrontFacingCameraSuperWideCameraCapability fI93k3j19qMaEqYkKKI7BQ
FrontFacingCameraVariableFrameRateCapability THo7EIAWJiQExmTeHpevLg
FrontFacingCameraVideoCapture1080pMaxFPS 3yzXj0lJhQi+r3kgQlwiOg The maximum frame rate supported for 1080p video on the front camera.
FrontFacingCameraVideoCapture4kMaxFPS cux58RcuSiBhpxWnT3pE4A The maximum frame rate supported for 4K video on the front camera.
FrontFacingCameraVideoCapture720pMaxFPS 0AFeHRmliNJ4pSlVb8ltZA The maximum frame rate supported for 720p video on the front camera.
FrontFacingIRCameraModuleSerialNumber 2kuITg6XPwXl8zbpx+hoCw Serial number of front facing IR camera
FrontFacingIRStructuredLightProjectorModuleSerialNumber wH7fRq4TDdYG2pN1KDQW/A Serial number of front facing IR dot projector
FrontFacingLowLightCameraCapability ud+MF+BkcM1zeTxPJCsHpg
full-6 fW9C1U4C1FR8bwe1VqEWug ? iPhone 4s Found on an iPhone 4S on iOS 6.1. Enables full iOS 6 features, see here [Archived 2013-09-10 at the Wayback Machine]
gamekit guykxGaRwHdenUK8fJRl8w 4.1 All devices Game Center
gas-gauge-battery FOs+LbLUs+TajsEE4xkbrw 3.0 iPhone 3GS Precise battery measurement, enables Settings>General>Usage>Battery Percentage
gps ZiSlYxYSkyaYImU3lrSXWw 2.0 iPhone 3G Baseband supports Global Positioning System
GPSCapability jyEyRLza0L3StNXgFUCoTw 2.0 iPhone 3G Baseband supports Global Positioning System
green-tea iyfxmLogGVIaH7aEgqwcIA The device is a Chinese-market model.
GroundhogEnabled Knrkxkj5zZTf/FrPNQClgg
GSDeviceName 9s45ldrCC1WF+7b6C4H2BA Device name for the device (as historically returned by GS; differs from kMGQDeviceName)
gyroscope 4+qmMh9JBDh72Nq6fD64RQ 4.0 iPhone 4 Device has gyroscope hardware
GyroscopeCapability NwAF2cQVdjOKc7KkqR9tIA 4.0 iPhone 4 Device has gyroscope hardware
H264EncoderCapability SCNOHu+KqRX0xhIlj5KXaA The device is capable of encoding H.264 video.
hall-effect-sensor /Pop5T2XQdDA60MRyxQJdQ 4.3 iPad 2 The device has a hall effect sensor, for determining when the device keyboard or case has been closed.
haptics 6S9CvPHPtzHQqKudHSfsag 9.0 iPhone 6s The device has a Taptic Engine. Distinct from a basic vibration motor.
HapticsPowerControlFeatures s2qnnwugvb7yAD70+Uho7g
hardware-keyboard /GK+yfRFY/b5ZDIDpdVImg
HardwarePlatform 5pYKlGnYYBzGvAlIU8RjEQ The SoC platform, such as T8015.
HardwareSupportsSecureDoubleClick l3rf7ZBrcaYn5mY5o7xiIg
HasAppleNeuralEngine +N9mZUAHooNvMiQnjeTJ8g The SoC contains Neural Engine cores.
HasBaseband AJFQheZDyUbvI6RmBMT9Cg The device has a baseband (cellular radio).
HasBattery pX2TxZTxWKS7QSXZDC/Z6A The device is primarily powered by a lithium-ion battery.
HasDaliMode 3m1Q0AXlqeA2C/LmqdTndQ Dali mode support
HasExtendedColorDisplay Aixt/MEN2O2B7f+8m4TxUA The built-in display supports a color gamut wider than sRGB, such as Display P3.
HasHighBandwidthRadio IMZVdlDQXGM67ILcDE7hlA
HasIcefall v9YZN998zL0OLA3q6SpPQA Does this device have Icefall
HasInternalSettingsBundle Oji6HRoPi7rH7HPdWVakuw Whether the device has the internal settings bundle
HasMesa HV7WDiidgMf7lwAu++Lk5w 7.0 iPhone 5s The device has Touch ID.
HasPartiallyOccludedDisplay yf309VokHnvuZ4SyOixR5A
HasPKA fkWvcjYnYzGRhVKiBoYzgA Whether the device has a PKA (Public Key Accelerator)
HasSEP 7DfjbzhvH/GDkhio1dv8fA The device has a Secure Enclave Processor.
HasSpringBoard OBqqs000I0SR+EbJ7VO8UQ The firmware uses SpringBoard as its primary interface.
HasThinBezel RA3I5nhSK65i1ZxkRxQKfg The device has a minimized bezel around the display.
hdr-image-capture fh6DnnDGDVZ5kZ9nYn/GrQ High dynamic range photo capture. Seems to depend on camera-flash on 4.3+
hd-video-capture 6pjDdEw65TFyL1FmIdszXw The camera can capture 720p video.
healthkit xDg5n/9rR2cMhp7MK0irBA The device supports the Health app.
hearingaid-audio-equalization SMgTCc2v9AU2ziIHRX8qww
HearingAidAudioEqualizationCapability lM8BH5myz/qFGeIYnsiEoQ
hearingaid-low-energy-audio RyXm3yMC4ejlFvwlEI509w
HearingAidLowEnergyAudioCapability Fralg2R4+pkggafylKbVgw
hearingaid-power-reduction u3c0R+31Df4SUTHrICQkTg
HearingAidPowerReductionCapability YH5LeF090QGZQTvT76qcBg
HEVCDecoder10bitSupported ZEU7pCEskBhjQ4AOMuALDw The device can decode HDR 10-bit HEVC video in hardware.
HEVCDecoder12bitSupported sigsyX/a/CpMjoZnrgwIgg The device can decode HDR 12-bit HEVC video in hardware.
HEVCDecoder8bitSupported N8lZxRgC7lfdRS3dRLn+Ag The device can decode SDR 8-bit HEVC video in hardware.
HEVCEncodingCapability g/MkWm2Ac6+TLNBgtBGxsg The device can encode HEVC video in hardware.
hiccough-interval f8peylp799CJta4Ev/vz8A
hide-non-default-apps cHla4KIe1wv0OvpRVrzy/w Allows non-Apple apps from /Applications to be displayed on SpringBoard.
hidpi lSpe1QHIya0aeNrjLTtaJA 4.0 iPhone 4 The device has a Retina display.
HighestSupportedVideoMode ND6ZSbBBgMgwtMfh+OL5Wg The highest resolution video mode the device supports
HomeButtonType JwLB44/jEB8aFDpXQ16Tuw 11.0 iPhone X Enumeration value of the type of home button the device has (physical, solid-state, or software).
homescreen-wallpaper mVenV0u+B3ShrqRddinaFQ 4.0 iPhone 3GS Also controls whether the reflective dock theme will be used on iOS 4 - 6
horseman X9cK3qXzcFCrVpE258P2lQ
HorsemanCapability XcmwH6K+Nop/mDqy50Nrqw
HumanReadableProductVersionString ToLFRidm+eJGWnpw6W4Wwg
hw-encode-snapshots m+FD6mX8VZzP95hOhM+jow
HWModelStr /YYygAofPDbhrwToVsXdeA The hardware model number, such as D22AP.
hw-snapshots-need-purplegfx FDsm68UVR7l3wErusGLgKg
iAP2Capability ZepchaN1K8XQJaBUMMlV5w Whether the device has iAP2 capability
IceFallID hfs43coKE3iWlCwnqPgBpg icefall serial number as NSString. Requires && entitlement.
IcefallInfo MW1p1oJH8nDJc6igOb8G4g icefall information as NSData. Requires && entitlement.
IcefallInRestrictedMode 2sWGezz2RezScIJJgiIYQg Icefall is/isn't in restricted mode Requires && entitlement.
IDAMCapability QdL5XM6PGBrjvJ/k187Ueg Does the device support IDAM
Image4CryptoHashMethod Nzu4E/VsXjEIa83CkRdZrQ Crypto hash method from device tree.
Image4Supported kyxFFGn+VS4L9a/bsvm19Q The device supports the IMG4 File Format.
InDiagnosticsMode 3kmXfug8VcxLI5yEmsqQKw The device has booted in diagnostics mode.
IntegratedCircuitCardIdentifier j4dedPnpeXouudM1+j3dsQ ICCI of the primary line SIM card.
IntegratedCircuitCardIdentifier2 lHMDJnC58naUz2rOCJyVIw ICCI of the secondary line SIM card.
InternalBuild LBJfwOEzExRxzlAnSuI7eg The firmware is an internal firmware.
InternationalMobileEquipmentIdentity QZgogo2DypSAZfkRW4dP/A The IMEI number of the device's baseband, for the primary line (SIM tray or eSIM).
InternationalMobileEquipmentIdentity2 xRyzf9zFE/ycr/wJPweZvQ The IMEI number of the device's baseband, for the secondary line (eSIM).
international-settings tUIqcYyzHuWBvBQHsLk8IQ
InverseDeviceID frZQaeyWLUvLjeuEK43hmg UDID reversed
io-surface-backed-images 0/2HluYMd/whD80Hua4Rpw
IOSurfaceFormatDictionary AoKnINTLPoKML3ctoP0AZg Dictionary of all supported IOSurface formats variables
ipad uKc7FPnEO++lVhHWHFlGbQ Device is an iPad. This key was initially "wildcat".
IsEmulatedDevice z5G/N9jcMdgPm8UegLwbKg Whether the device is an emulated device
IsLargeFormatPhone iBLsDETxB4ATmspGucaJyg Phone format factor
IsPwrOpposedVol euampscYbKXqj/bSaHD0QA The device design has the power button on the right side of the device, rather than the top.
IsServicePart 1plD8faLv1bhScZQ3t0PLQ [factory purpose]To distinguish customer/AppleCare service part device
IsSimulator ulMliLomP737aAOJ/w/evA Whether the operating system is running under the Simulator
IsThereEnoughBatteryLevelForSoftwareUpdate o/mXrucvBSYUXqq7K3UzKA Whether the battery is sufficiently charged to install a software update.
IsUIBuild I32sGclpgl5VujQRJxyhKQ Differentiates the firmware build from a NonUI build
IsVirtualDevice MrC93gcyPVLHmEbzUu9uzQ
iTunesFamilyID 1qJmMHedWOh43VwRKPdDrw The number that iTunes uses to identify device classes
JasperSerialNumber dJvRNnysMoubdy0ZCK2aRQ returns the device's Jasper Serial Number
kConferenceCallType ol92SaBpqIvQs+KBljuwGA
KeyboardMutePreservesRegionalShutterClickBehavior bGUN8lS6sYzy3xhePubp8A
KeyboardMutePreservesRegionalShutterClickBehaviorForLegacyDevices Bim3FC83Te8QX1kfSpqYKQ
kSimultaneousCallAndDataCurrentlySupported xleedMDMw0UV3fSgmHIoaQ
kSimultaneousCallAndDataSupported 0uyHvVqOLpJQBpSl/rF3Vg
LaunchTimeLimitScaleSupported AklmqJyJMChzHsYT0aiBbw Whether a device supports watchdog scaling
LiDARCalibrationPrCL njUcH4bm+JBmvASakDdObg
LisaCapability 4RwhtNOmePfUXmu57rh+KA Whether the device has lisa capability
load-thumbnails-while-scrolling 1N14oS9TeyskaTU1DxpwoQ
location-reminders BOPZue5C0v42pU9iJFYE3A 6.0 The device supports displaying reminders based on entering or leaving a location.
location-services 0pY9r1XBV1duZ8HO3tBvFg The device supports Location Services.
LowPowerExpressModesSupported JHXk7RXOxvlqK+SxkwcM2A The device NFC hardware can be used for public transport, even when powered off due to low battery.
LowPowerWalletMode Birtx7GxrxCCUzsE1JQO8Q The device NFC hardware can be used for card payments, even when powered off due to low battery.
lte-device 1X0zc2JwBdYOQrMAyP81DQ Device baseband can connect to LTE networks.
LunaFlexSerialNumber 2xSqkUxsVWmOBWk6StVOfQ Device's Luna Flex Serial Number
LynxPublicKey HMpTbnbcAb+mQDi8O71h6Q Lynx Public Key
LynxSerialNumber r5pA2qLgR86BQKwgMjPWzg Lynx Serial Number
MacBridgingKeys VdSOpM2K054AhCKBaXuiqw Gestalt keys to be exposed to macOS from bridgeOS.
MacFormFactor m4alZgBFhxNuTZyrEM2nbA Form factor family of the Mac device.
MacPrefsAssetImage a4GiDGlLmW0qD340gOCpFA
magnetometer ELLSWiPOyh0roYBypZFHFA Magnetometer, used to determine compass orientation.
MainDisplayRotation IIYjwu1lbAyGz5t0c4ECoA The natural orientation of the display. iPads tend to have displays that are naturally in landscape.
MainScreenCanvasSizes ybGkijAwLTwevankfVzsDQ Returns main screen canvas sizes in CFDataRef as an array of CGSizes. CFDataRef.length / sizeof(CGSize) is the number of entries
main-screen-class fdh+s6j3VijuyrK7xLjd7g
main-screen-height OjzOua0LkOegX7pQdgMksw Height of the device's internal display.
main-screen-orientation 1qDdT/85SS7sxriK0wIbbg The natural orientation of the display. iPads tend to have displays that are naturally in landscape.
main-screen-pitch 0l4wqBtWEAK1tOkeBHkU6Q Dot pitch of the device's internal display, in dots per inch (DPI).
main-screen-scale SNfDJgQFV2Xj7+WnozcJPw The pixel scale to be used by graphics and text rendered on the internal display.
MainScreenStaticInfo oBbtJ8x+s1q0OkaiocPuog Device's static screen info (used internally by MobileGestalt; format is opaque and should not be interpreted by clients)
main-screen-width g7YQ1Djxh4YiKlEeaoGhzg Width of the device's internal display.
marketing-name Z/dqyWS6OZTRy10UcmUAhw
MarketingProductName j9Th5smJpdztHwc+i39zIg The branded name of the device. For example, "MacBook Pro (14-inch, 2023)".
marketing-soc-name Z06ZMtQY6G3kKrC7fs/gOA The branded name of the SoC in the device. For example, "Apple M2 Pro".
MarketingSOCNameString hSjeLvzobsJCklk4+pzu3g The branded name of the SoC in the device. For example, "Apple M2 Pro".
MarketingVersion QtLcewkuPtPV0RpO+i0Zzw The "marketing version" of the OS, as this has sometimes differed from the true version of the OS, such as with Apple TV prior to tvOS 9.
MaxH264PlaybackLevel 4W7X4OWHjri5PGaAGsCWxw The maximum H.264 level that the device can play
MaximumScreenScale XmExwNGRvYTII6QC0+jvsA Display maximum scale of the screen - ATV Only
MedusaFloatingLiveAppCapability mG0AnH/Vy1veoqoLRAIgTA Whether the device supports Medusa Floating Live Apps
MedusaOverlayAppCapability UCG5MkVahJxG1YULbbd5Bg Whether the device supports Medusa Overlay Apps
MedusaPinnedAppCapability ZYqko/XM5zD3XBfN5RmaXA Whether the device supports Medusa Pinned Apps
MedusaPIPCapability nVh/gwNpy7Jv1NOk00CMrw Whether the device supports MedusaPIP mirroring
MesaSerialNumber jWdMTTxiAZc+KNO6Bz2jNg Serial number of the Touch ID hardware.
metal hwd9ipb6eezNleN59+6n1Q 8.0 iPhone 6 The device supports the Metal graphics framework.
MetalPerfLevelCapability gme55xrmjlSlBkahnZq36A
microphone s2UwZpwDQcywU3de47/ilw The device has a microphone.
MicrophoneCount 61xs1bQ+9eTk8tlRvG9UKw The number of microphones the device has. Multiple microphones are used to filter external noise during a call.
MinimumSupportediTunesVersion 96GRvvjuBKkU4HzNsYcHPA Minimum version of iTunes required to sync with the device.
MixAndMatchPrevention rxUlSnmihTL8oDg9Hrgq/A Whether every boot stage needs to verify the boot-manifest
MLBSerialNumber Q1Ty5w8gxMWHx3p4lQ1fhA Serial number of the main logic board (MLB), which differs from the serial number of the entire device.
mms gKzNJcweSCWA+gIGiUQJ5w iPhone 3G The device supports multimedia messaging (MMS).
MobileDeviceMinimumVersion k+KTni1jrwErpcDMEnn3aw Minimum version of the MobileDevice library required to use the device from macOS or Windows.
MobileEquipmentIdentifier xOEH0P1H/1jmYe2t54+5cQ The MEID of the device (for CDMA networks).
MobileEquipmentInfoBaseId inECTnNyR97XWxm7jU8uqA Mobile equipment info base ID
MobileEquipmentInfoBaseProfile heP+NTlvkhJ2zzWIUznawA Mobile equipment info base profile
MobileEquipmentInfoBaseVersion RXyKSjeF239SL2vOcru01A Mobile equipment info base version
MobileEquipmentInfoCSN rkFHO5dZmWxy3QdOx7r7kA Mobile equipment info CSN
MobileEquipmentInfoDisplayCSN zPHFWx4ZItDiTXNT2onrWQ Mobile equipment info displayCSN
MobileSubscriberCountryCode CQ6gFmgMhpnnISvG6VakBQ The subscriber's last known country code string
MobileSubscriberNetworkCode oJGeec0N+MudCr0LsdtbHw The subscriber's network code string, or for GSM, the second three digits of the IMSI
ModelNumber D0cJ8r7U5zve6uA6QbOiLA Retail model number of the device, excluding the region suffix.
MonarchLowEndHardware s+gaKNe68Gs3PfqKrZhi1w Is the device a low end Monarch hardware
MultiLynxPublicKeyArray niQFEBBY7JaauAIosAyQQg MultiLynx Public Key Array
MultiLynxSerialNumberArray juE6wCsjVG4bfAhgHcUVcQ MultiLynx Serial Number Array
multitasking RECLuzbJ6oh8q4NKR8RtNg 4.0 iPhone 3GS The device supports the multitasking switcher, and having apps remain running in the background when closed.
multitasking-gestures UFqkf9tcH1ltsOMzpdwSUw 4.2 iPad 2 The iPad swipe-to-cycle-apps and open multitasking 4- or 5-fingered actions. Requires modifications to Springboard to enable on iOS 5.x+. Not to be confused with iPhone multitasking gestures.
multitouch pFpC81KCZegLf4FenQZ2OA Device has a multi-touch screen.
MultiTouchCapability z1AiZGX3Zz2qjXit83EHMA Device has a multi-touch screen.
MultiTouchMaxBootTime EuwCLwMXh+X5LErHKwvuIw
MusicStore izFv/qj3IUhqAIiEuYH6xw Device supports the iTunes Store.
N78aHack +bL/lKwaIAv+fzmjsHYZdw 6.1 iPod touch (4th generation) Specific workaround for the cost-reduced N78aAP model of iPod touch (4th generation).
NandControllerUID PcQWbThCb7iLEW+EoqZdEQ UID of NVMe controller
NavajoFusingState LcUv5nw5flxnHlxWu9sJvw The device's Navajo fusing state
nfc byGRtH44VNik9CzN/QKLCw 8.0 iPhone 6 The device has NFC radio hardware.
NFCRadio zxMIgVSILN6S5ee6MZhf+Q 8.0 iPhone 6 The device has NFC radio hardware.
NFCRadioCalibrationDataPresent XFx5cRZ0tJYl+xJUCEgjnQ NFC radio callibration data as CFDataRef
NFCUniqueChipID evtY5EeJ8V0nFhmrj/OYjg UniqueID for FDR
nike-ipod qHVhw5NhezD+ljFUPvQb4g Nike+iPod internal (or external with hacked drivers) receiver, iPhone OS 2.?+
NikeIpodCapability Ecx7M8v2wk05Fch3pFE/GA Whether the device has the Nike iPod capability
not-green-tea 4snMZS8LJkSctKypt2m+xA The device is not a Chinese-market model.
NVRAMDictionary Q2jR+AUT9PTHUrP/mkdfxQ NVRAM variables, as a dictionary.
OceanComputeCarrierID qgfS+6l1exvcMW5Tfplv2Q
OceanComputeCarrierSlot LUy+wqFiBmou5hwM5OWbmA
OfflineDictationCapability c5uqoV7Z9ly+f4c5mYXILg The device supports dictation using an offline voice recognition model.
OLEDDisplay noqTy5fUbyK03UHxWigBBQ 11.0 iPhone X The internal display of the device is OLED.
OnDeviceSiriCapability O/7gbXWA5X2IRPVtDRU+bw
opengles-1 kt7gXeIiU0dLEKrgUSsLVw The hardware supports OpenGL ES 1.x.
opengles-2 ce5pjDJVSOxjcg1HwmAezA The hardware supports OpenGL ES 2.x.
opengles-3 LAB8o3Bxs3CgNuzDawjRdw The hardware supports OpenGL ES 3.x.
OpenGLESVersion ErupMbaQrM6KypD4K0kTDQ The version of OpenGL ES supported by the hardware.
ota-activation 38C0kq9NiVaMsqjlUsCHcQ
OysterCapability 0GUU+Z8xIu+7TE+scKXscg
PanelSerialNumber YVNo6vlMjhgQ9yGYV8gatw Serial Number of Display Panel (via sysconfig - CFString Format)
PanoramaCameraCapability q4cLktMwtrx8dCJAQTeqTg The Camera app can take a panoramic image.
PartitionStyle yjP8DgByZmLk04Ta6f6DWQ The partitioning layout used on the device. "macOS" on Apple Silicon Macs.
PartitionType xUHcyT2/HE8oi/4LaOI+Sw Partitioning scheme used on the device's storage
PasswordConfigured xsaMbRQ5rQ+eyKMKG+ZSSg Whether the device has a PIN/password configured
PasswordProtected yNesiJuidlesNpI/K5Ri4A Whether the device is currenty locked
PearlIDCapability 8olRm6C1xqr7AJGpLRnpSw The device has Face ID hardware.
PearlMotionDetectionCapability j39y4QUrP6cvZY8Pjyv64w
PeekUICapability LvCIFE6lOM10QDqIEyYWRA Whether the device supports Peek-UI
PeekUIWidth Y2TwC8z+XeBBBswnLf7JsQ Width of the screen area exposed by one flap of a smart cover in pixels
peer-peer Ht1HDxwTOy2gyY+THjbd6w 3.0 ? Bluetooth "gaming" extensions, iPhone OS 3.0+
PerfLevelCapability eW5H/Gwg0uqbMqFot70pYg
personal-hotspot wlxZYdEZITDTzgs/OnnV+Q Whether the hardware is capable of personal hotspot (tethering)
PersonalHotspotCapability ld2eewXs5StVwdRtwYT8sw Whether the hardware is capable of personal hotspot (tethering)
PhoneNumber H5TSt7Pu4zNCD5RvHuk5CQ The phone number of the primary line.
PhoneNumber2 SZy8T5ma/+a0wJc0ntiaaA The phone number of the secondary line.
PhosphorusCapability 7mV26K/1a+wTtqiunvHMUQ Whether the device has Phosphorus capability
photo-adjustments H8Pi7AthQFVZ0B6A1J5OTw Rotate/auto exposure/redeye correct/crop in the Photos app
PhotoCapability bl+nF6e86pLBiPP4pVJ24g Convenience function to check if we have a camera and if it isn't restricted
PhotoSharingCapability UHwjAM1cqBLCR1OuYouf8A Whether the device supports Photo Sharing
PhotosPostEffectsCapability 4Jfu4lqX8dzru4Z+ONQ1rQ Whether the device supports post effects
photo-stream RYZZuAFEfSNnEKEzwzRnqw 5.0 All devices Whether the device is capable of using iCloud Photo Stream
PhysicalHardwareNameString bbtR9jQx50Fv5Af/affNtA
piezo-clicker DdNpmCCXbeMGbqj0kAMCdw 1.1 iPod touch Whether the device uses a piezo clicker rather than an internal speaker, unique to first generation iPod touch
PintoMacAddress d27R2IjPvpwp+MX/kUbJ2w MAC address for the device's Pinto interface, in the format "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff" (lower case letters)
PintoMacAddressData 8QNz35Yxm0KqxP1JiE0HIw MAC address for the device's Pinto interface, as a CFData (6 bytes)
PipelinedStillImageProcessingCapability XIcF5FOyQlt/H79oFw9ciA Whether the device supports pipelined still image processing
PlatinumCapability 1oMPwMsqxTa9BJxUs8v06w Whether the device has PlatinumCapability
ProductHash TZ/0j62wM3D0CuRt+Nc/Lw The product hash, an identifier that uniquely identifies the device type
ProductName ivIu8YTDnBSrYv/SN4G8Ag ProductName from /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist
ProductType h9jDsbgj7xIVeIQ8S3/X3Q The software product model identifier, such as iPhone10,3.
ProductVersion qNNddlUK+B/YlooNoymwgA Version number of the installed OS, e.g., "4.2" for Jasper
ProductVersionExtra P5Go9WVVA604m7rKhbVndw
ProvisioningUniqueDeviceID RNcdWbM8+dO5tx82A+YCcQ The "provisioning" UDID of a Mac device. This currently matches the format of a "hardware" UDID on an iOS device.
proximity-sensor 5v2p6i7PyIMdWOK4n/+G4A 1.0 iPhone Whether the device has a proximity sensor near the earpiece
ProximitySensorCalibration 6UUmcaeT7rJoyUVmoPJd4A Proximity sensor calibration data
ProximitySensorCalibrationDictionary 5mvQIwu3Mqqw/zOKmwGkWw Proximity sensor calibration dictionary
ptp-large-files MWpHV1VYKXmaKqhgbmTWCg Device supports viewing and importing large photos from the device over USB (PTP protocol).
PTPLargeFilesCapability +zD41v0XRR72ItZHfisZuQ Device supports viewing and importing large photos from the device over USB (PTP protocol).
QuickNoteCapability 8fyX2yEg28cYgJ10Yl+ueA The device supports a gesture to invoke Quick Note.
RawPanelSerialNumber PxEDp0oOasJ92F/V7YBa8A Serial Number of Display Panel (directly from the Hardware - CFDataFormat)
RearALSCapability PVMLomcejavaax8/I3Ud3A
RearCameraCapability 6iI7/9cVUGIjdrSvIXEt4A Device has at least one rear camera.
RearCameraOffsetFromDisplayCenter waWRQ4fj6cyMuJ+wTWJs1g X [ long width ] and Y [ short height ] offset of rear camera from center of display
rear-facing-camera dp7SlZZQotrh8McQoH1xFA Device has at least one rear camera.
RearFacingCamera60fpsVideoCaptureCapability 6RrxXzvfw2GZeUPLKXxrmA Rear camera can record 60fps video.
RearFacingCameraAutoHDRCapability RLlZndRrTB3oIDuZEihtpQ Whether the device's rear camera supports auto HDR
RearFacingCameraBurstCapability plaYa8bKJaAF5Erc5nvZ+g Rear camera can take burst photos.
RearFacingCameraFocusPixelCalibrationCapability STBQ8gY0pl0CK8VmRcks4w Rear camera supports focus pixels.
RearFacingCameraHDRCapability TTZrMo1OOEUELa7asaQ7xg Rear camera supports high dynamic range.
RearFacingCameraHDROnCapability LkWb+FyA1+ef2UD1Fx+kAw Whether the device can have hdr set for the rear facing camera
RearFacingCameraHFRCapability fGpT09KNGDBjFXnqcVbgbw Rear camera supports high frame rate for slo-mo video.
RearFacingCameraHFRVideoCapture1080pMaxFPS jKFTzVOYcfTfNBh+yDrprw The maximum frame rate supported for 1080p slo-mo video on the rear camera.
RearFacingCameraHFRVideoCapture720pMaxFPS XellXEQUbOIgUPoTrIj5nA The maximum frame rate supported for 720p slo-mo video on the rear camera.
RearFacingCameraMaxVideoZoomFactor WC6wwFV23k19BlUQIAwDTg The device's rear camera max video zoom factor
RearFacingCameraModuleSerialNumber nWFV2qG2TjSuH7vZFCdi4w Serial number of rear facing RGB camera module
RearFacingCameraStageLightPortraitCaptureCapability 8LAJHwc8DUQZwV2TSwsysA
RearFacingCameraStillDurationForBurst gq0j1GmcIcaD4DjJoo9pfg Max Single Frame Duration for Rear Facing Camera in Burst Mode
RearFacingCameraSuperWideCameraCapability hnXJ1OpiiIL0+p3jUG/XxQ Device has a rear super-wide (fish-eye) camera.
RearFacingCameraTimeOfFlightCameraCapability QVwCp3Lu9RLnxw7LO9DBfQ Publicly available key for Jasper capability / depth camera
RearFacingCameraVariableFrameRateCapability ry09Fs7QIF3ITE0Fx5OdvQ
RearFacingCameraVideoCapture1080pMaxFPS jBGZJ71pRJrqD8VZ6Tk2VQ The maximum frame rate supported for 1080p video on the rear camera.
RearFacingCameraVideoCapture4kMaxFPS po7g0ATDzGoVI1DO8ISmuw The maximum frame rate supported for 4K video on the rear camera.
RearFacingCameraVideoCapture720pMaxFPS 0/7QNywWU4IqDcyvTv9UYQ The maximum frame rate supported for 720p video on the rear camera.
RearFacingCameraVideoCaptureFPS wOVK1nhmiAawowdbIwgyaQ Video capture frame rate for rear facing camera in FPS.
RearFacingLowLightCameraCapability jaJWtlotaa+Y41lCs7NVHg Whether the device has low-light support on rear-facing camera
RearFacingSuperWideCameraModuleSerialNumber UZfUiD1Aqy3GOwg72SQcLQ Serial number of rear facing super wide camera module
RearFacingTelephotoCameraCapability YzrS+WPEMqyh/FBv/n/jvA Device has a rear telephoto camera.
RearFacingTelephotoCameraModuleSerialNumber cm399FbDqnv8IOFoeBLWYg Serial number of rear facing telephoto camera module
ReceiveARCStreamOverAirPlayCapability OHXV8ldryg9nrOCapcyDCQ
RecoveryOSVersion NE090Fbwd79LVOHj0AN+OA Installed RecoveryOS version
RegionalBehaviorAll D4AU4tOIuGKN3G/uix65cQ Array of all regional behaviors for this device.
RegionalBehaviorChinaBrick 0L5PkT61qoH1b/B1USWqjQ Whether the device's region requires ChinaBrick
RegionalBehaviorEUVolumeLimit Tr9qG122eEQiKGfr6EGRdQ The device adheres to the European Union volume limit regulation.
RegionalBehaviorGB18030 inLiSl5OQHJ1stAIvKH8wg The device adheres to the GB 18030 character set.
RegionalBehaviorGoogleMail 4uzgAFPkzKUmlZG5HpFIkg Use the "Google Mail" brand, rather than "Gmail", where Google historically didn't hold a trademark for Gmail, such as in the UK
RegionalBehaviorNoPasscodeLocationTiles 0R2aiV2nJVu/v8I7Ex2GcQ Whether the device's region does not permit location tiles on the passcode screen
RegionalBehaviorNoVOIP 6MnVtR+c9LeR46bMxvR5Yw The device region does not permit VoIP.
RegionalBehaviorNoWiFi kjKnJNt7HY90iN6rpbSeFQ The device region does not permit Wi-Fi.
RegionalBehaviorNTSC IFBSPGnQVFrGFW+ujtZu6Q The device region expects NTSC analog video output, rather than PAL.
RegionalBehaviorShutterClick ZgIjA7Nwd2jSo13lhDO1Iw Force camera shutter sound to be played even when the phone is in silent mode in regions such as Japan - look in Regional*.plist files under Celestial framework
RegionalBehaviorValid KMgjmT+dsqBCXu1YQEcOFg Whether the device's regional behavior values are valid
RegionalBehaviorVolumeLimit HxTvMvHnum5rI8d0Nr4xBw The device adheres to the French volume limit regulation.
RegionCode h63QSdBCiT/z0WU6rdQv6Q Region code for the device. E.g., "LL" in North America
RegionInfo zHeENZu+wbg7PUprwNwBWg The suffix string found on the model number that denotes the hardware region.
RegulatoryModelNumber 97JDvERpVwO+GHtthIh7hA The "A" model number of the hardware.
ReleaseType 9UCjT7Qfi4xLVvPAKIzTCQ Type of system image installed on the device, one of the kMGReleaseType* constants (NULL for user installs)
RemoteBluetoothAddress uAIY4Jb2A7Fy2aLrlDU1gg Remote Bluetooth address, in the format "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff" (lower case letters)
RemoteBluetoothAddressData IAJzgzhEVk3SMNuEhChs2w Remote Bluetooth address, as a CFData (6 bytes)
RendersLetterPressSlowly MYKMJDMFE/lhvOVXgtDNuw Whether the device supports letterpress fast rendering
RenderWideGamutImagesAtDisplayTime jMiqevikb6QWeHOhvLsw6A Does device support rendering Wide Gamut Images at display time
RequiredBatteryLevelForSoftwareUpdate AFXhxraF1bvyaCMlBIOZPA Minimum battery level required to begin a software update.
RequiresNaturalVolumeButtonArrangement cW+7coMzO/hTtCCDcSvNOw
RequiresPairedRemote rXbje18EX3b6I7u/pXBYeg
ResearchFuse XYlJKKkj2hztRP1NWWnhlw The device is a "research fused" device for approved security researchers.
RestoreOSBuild 8DHlxr5ECKhTSL3HmlZQGQ Whether the device is running RestoreOS
RestrictedCountryCodes nSo8opze5rFk+EdBoR6tBw Restricted country codes list
reverse-zoom G/ss4ZCOHb2osL8sLnZj7w
RFExposureSeparationDistance 5tnvmEsHQKfCoieLEYpnvg The SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) separation distance for the device's radios in millimeters
ringer-switch hx2qJfJRLZ9Sseb37IcQow iPhone Mute switch
RosalineSerialNumber O8mk69g6k/CbfeET9LtqQA Ambient light sensor serial number
RoswellChipID OyENNqRhuo8+RHkpbr/82A Roswell serial number
RotateToWakeStatus YdPNjYPBzyE0jJl2X/CayQ Current Rotate To Wake Status (is the driver loaded yet)
SavageChipID m9OWD0Y4Br0TZHUl6rGcOg returns the device's Savage ChipID
SavageInfo Fhqq6Bhy/XnCEBRAe3TI+g Keys and values for Savage personalization
SavageSerialNumber LE2kQ7U1iM32AmlhYvlagg returns the device's Savage Serial Number
SavageUID FNvQ6lBvJIUcYBzQ8ggOUQ returns the device's Savage UID
SBAllowSensitiveUI CpVSHukvtqlJzCgSdoHW5w Whether sensitive UI is allowed in SpringBoard (identical to kMGQSensitiveUICapability)
SBCanForceDebuggingInfo gPoIZFd4NhmSKrk67qH80w Whether the installed build is a carrier build but not an internal build
ScreenCaptureHeight n6blIRZ4IumqHl/toNJcpg Height of the resulting video of a screen recording.
ScreenCaptureWidth kj5Hw7ZKY+hm7ZCs0Caznw Width of the resulting video of a screen recording.
screen-dimensions HkXhfA7q9eBKIU2+6yTgQg
ScreenRecorderCapability ExSUJyf7MblY5nBQx2OaRw The device can record its own screen to a video file.
ScreenSerialNumber 0D3qCmmfJ/i1mpmjOsV7EA Serial Number of LCM (extracted from RawPanelSerialNumber)
SDIOManufacturerTuple DzLC4o1jZ4hWtP8aB6An6g IOSDIOProductID and IOSDIOManufacturerID as CFStrings
SDIOProductInfo +Ce1uSqGUXaJPl/uT6ur8g SDIO product info
SecondaryBluetoothMacAddress 8bOgXKgqoLvqV/XeSomAfA MAC address for the device's secondary bluetooth interface, in the format "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff" (lower case letters)
SecondaryBluetoothMacAddressData HzddeW2/HtdBNAc5tsFtDg MAC address for the device's secondary bluetooth interface, as a CFData (6 bytes)
SecondaryEthernetMacAddress BQwz+BT9b5mS7OPh2WGD6A MAC address for the device's secondary ethernet interface, in the format "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff" (lower case letters)
SecondaryEthernetMacAddressData 5MXFoiW2zgxfIbaaTb/wvA MAC address for the device's secondary ethernet interface, as a CFData (6 bytes)
SecondaryWifiMacAddress 7VoVaBmSuokzovhUkiDx6Q MAC address for the device's secondary wifi interface, in the format "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff" (lower case letters)
SecondaryWifiMacAddressData TqrlqJOZiAuRx8Qu3SVr+Q MAC address for the device's secondary wifi interface, as a CFData (6 bytes)
SecureElement 0dnM19zBqLw5ZPhIo4GEkg The device has a Secure Element.
SecureElementID nZUUCFZgomfWUIPGGzNAqg SecureElement Serial Number Requires && entitlement.
SecurityDomain wu9wv8HhpA95iHT4Yyez7A Security domain of device's SoC
SEInfo atOCpGf+lHCxgJ9GElef8Q SE information as CFData. Requires && entitlement.
sensitive-ui BOYfUi496moe56A0RWFbqQ
SEPNonce IGYvMgBnOsdJjgmSh7Pe1A Nonce from SEP for personalization
SerialNumber VasUgeSzVyHdB27g2XpN0g Hardware serial number, as displayed in Settings > General > About.
shoebox cX1+ZsVacGTXWVKB9enYow 6.0 All iPhones The device includes the Wallet app.
ShouldHactivate a6vjPkzcRjrsXmniFsm0dg Whether lockdown should hactivate the device
SigningFuse a5BRUxn1QBPXkAnbAHbmeg Whether the device is production fused
SiKACapability ssIPnsZyWHPGC5sg3Pzkiw Does the device have SiKA support in hardware
SiliconBringupBoard cZflGJ39lJHTCPy35/N14Q Whether the device is internal "silicon bring-up" hardware, used for debugging early revisions of silicon.
sim PUMArrha4PFeOqINeQRM3A Device supports the use of a SIM card.
sim-phonebook tYqUcLmLfhmk7vOgdFvURg Device supports the user
SIMStatus yUCaqT4KOwJpYEb+XDPq7g Status of the SIM in the first slot (physical or virtual).
SIMStatus2 b2BKAEe88VRfp2WXEjJOyA Status of the SIM in the second slot (virtual).
SIMTrayStatus L2Oq7vNNUKuv+iJ4m9xtiw Status of the SIM tray in the first slot (physical or virtual).
SIMTrayStatus2 sHiXbHqHvvRS3I/qo/rH2Q Status of the SIM tray in the second slot (virtual).
siri-gesture 8bY/L3i3rmxrl4ZjFZZpgQ 6.0 iPhone 5 Siri Raise to Speak feature
SiriGestureCapability A8aFtN08Oqt21846jqnftQ 6.0 iPhone 5 Siri Raise to Speak feature
SiriOfflineCapability ZeeiT4Cdn8HNANoqroPEAA Whether the device supports offline Siri
Skey XEzIXVPlevxuEIpZrMY+8A S-key button presence on the device
sms OPzhvROZUqCZhgYMyve5BA 1.0 iPhone Device is capable of sending basic text messages
SoftwareBehavior 7IgVvZZLtNjMFdInQlKg6A Regional software behavior bits. Always exactly 16 bytes
SoftwareBundleVersion DViRIxZ/ZwO007CLcEYvZw The software bundle version from SysCfg
SoftwareDimmingAlpha KXUnLpPZ6IZSE+As45CkhA The point at which screen dimming must be done in software, rather than through backlight dimming
software-dimming-alpha MulRZdIO3jyzkPar/CuDXA The point at which screen dimming must be done in software, rather than through backlight dimming
SpatialAudioProfileCapability gB6cQZBLeMojsPAaE/iRtg
SpeakerCalibrationMiGa jxx29Cq5bGHDnkcha4y/Rw MiGa calibration value for device's speaker.
SpeakerCalibrationSpGa meicxSe0OZJaae1hEiOV5Q SpGa calibration value for device's speaker.
SpeakerCalibrationSpTS Wr2SycNVQwBrdup3ok+LxQ SpTS calibration value for device's speaker.
SphereCapability n/aVhqpGjESEbIjvJbEHKg Whether the device has Sphere
stand-alone-contacts HMKkoKYsMmBBSN6ozOtw/w Control display of standalone Contacts app, rather than just a tab in the Phone app
StarkCapability L+KOzmOzO5DiJUZl21QGVg The device supports CarPlay.
still-camera nv4RoLkNoPT0/rsO8Yaiew 1.0 iPhone Whether the device has a camera that can take still photos
StockholmJcopInfo RgoxDxYGuZ0GzijFt6kSQQ JCOP information as dictionary. Requires && entitlement.
StoreDemoMode aadL+4GFBDe6DdsUD2HGGw Device is set up as a store demo.
StrictWakeKeyboardCases I4TfkcdXWazwTr1al8Ml5w Keyboard models that trigger the alternate wake policy
SupplementalBuildVersion gLd6IDfbVM+JiOhktEP7Bw
SupportedDeviceFamilies 9MZ5AdH43csAUajl/dU+IQ Supported device families
SupportedKeyboards wBVgxg3VYUU5gawcgq7MXg List of languages for which keyboards are supported
SupportsBurninMitigation SR/QIL//glHfqoE+lOAnbA Device uses a mitigation algorithm to reduce the effect of OLED burn-in from long-term use.
SupportsEDUMU 4fT83+9coO3VAUnlxuOOcw Device supports education multi-user.
SupportsForceTouch eQd5mlz0BN0amTp/2ccMoA User can press harder on the display to activate a contextual action.
SupportsIrisCapture pLzf7OiX5nWAPUMj7BfI4Q Device Supports Iris Capture
SupportsLEDAging AspYltP/iGWg0qxfg7c/3w
SupportsLowPowerMode f+PE44W6AO2UENJk3p2s5A Device can enter a lower-power mode to preserve battery life.
SupportsPerseus GdXjx1ixZYvN9Gg8iSf68A Perseus Support
SupportsRotateToWake nmOy2K5HzAAs2QNAi8wR+Q Apple Watch device can be rotated on the user's wrist to wake the display.
SupportsSOS 5lAK1Xp+ezh1Qu+4jnHAOg User can hold physical keys to activate an emergency SOS call.
SupportsSSHBButtonType Jq+xaurJgFzSwxOfTqtBGw The device uses a solid-state home button.
SupportsTouchRemote OoFyZnd3oLS2Lw/KQTccGA Device Supports Touch Remote
SysCfg 0Y4fmR6ZHZPxDZFfPtBnRQ The device's factory-programmed system configuration data
SysCfgDict 9/J7LY7zuYSGW1BcSTRpOw The device's factory-programmed system configuration data as a dictionary
SystemImageID 4qfpxrvLtWillIHpIsVgMA UUID of the installed system image from the SystemVersion.plist
TargetSubType oYicEKzVTz4/CxxE05pEgQ
telephony ZApuwHXWV8RCz0iVzMnqLw 1.0 iPhone Whether the device can make phone calls over a cellular network
telephony-maximum-generation 2IDxmg5KyAMBBi/b0rojgQ Modem type supported. 2.5: EDGE, 3: 3G, 3.5: HSDPA
ThinningProductType 0+nc/Udy4WNG8S+Q7a/s1A
ThreadRadioCapability BdS2M69XMEc9v/jsHBC3Eg The device contains a Thread mesh networking radio.
ThreadRadioMacAddress 0rbLl0hXmTehfEduXfeJYQ The MAC address of the Thread radio.
ThreadRadioMacAddress64Bit W/xqvBX9L07XHb0BOtYycQ The MAC address of the Thread radio.
ThreadRadioMacAddressForProvisioning AGrtXj3nqzz8KFfFHK7/sA
TimeSyncCapability LJ8aZhTg8lXUeVxHzT+hMw Whether the device supports hardware 1588 timestamp
TopModuleAuthChipID U/nyu97+Q5SFY9yJKJTuSA Authentication chip serial number of top module
torpedo kT9JwUR2xPCTHTdgvG3UdA
TorpedoCapability Af/UTHptqxLPG5sy0wQTiw
TouchDelivery120Hz 2OK50OGmkXM1ospsh766WQ The device detects touches at a rate of 120Hz. Not to be confused with displays that refresh at 120Hz.
touch-id 8Shl+AdVKo09f1Sldkb0kA The device has Touch ID
TribecaSettings 2tBx5IzZX4CpUVJ79LfsVg
TristarID o60T6wXe1DDaO4a4gw10TA tristar id
tv-out-crossfade xU1eZLRifcixnyDzjo52DQ Photos app slideshow transitions enabled
tv-out-settings kWVFqaGBc3nOGmfM+ZpoEg
UIBackgroundQuality eH9J8yYIjbRNxg2EeYvNFg The device's desired background quality
UIParallaxCapability mmu76v66k1dAtghToInT8g The device wallpaper can animate to follow the movement of the device.
UIProceduralWallpaperCapability UZyrJHlX635ocWEjBkt9YA The device can render dynamically rendered wallpapers.
UIReachability m4UsCAgXhbdnwLebiyKMiw The device supports a gesture that allows the user to better reach the top of the screen.
umts-device 0Yu30fwSQVPKvHVla17kXw
unified-ipod sJ0n0UZHSUVJbmyy2p54Cw 1.1 iPod touch Use a combined iPod app, rather than split Music and Videos apps. iPod app was discontinued with iOS 5.
UniqueChipID TF31PAB6aO8KAbPyNKSxKA The ECID, a serial number for the SoC, as an integer.
UniqueChipIDString 6WdGcQGw4VLzrgxJo+bcrw The ECID, as a hexadecimal string with padding as described in ECID.
UniqueDeviceID re6Zb+zwFKJNlkQTUeT+/w The UDID, an identifier string covering several pieces of hardware in the device, as a string.
UniqueDeviceIDData nFRqKto/RuQAV1P+0/qkBA The UDID, as binary data.
UserAssignedDeviceName ghpAuGJlPoauWijdtPi7sQ User assigned device name specific to this device
UserIntentPhysicalButtonCGRect pMeQxE5szZTjLMk10TisDQ The position and height of the action button as a CGRect struct.
UserIntentPhysicalButtonCGRectString rJkMAGeVLdhP5+10G5hVcA The position and height of the action button as a CGRect string.
UserIntentPhysicalButtonNormalizedCGRect WPEkba78QeFFU/wgqpOx6w The position and height of the action button as a normalized CGRect struct.
venice 5MSZn7w3nnJp22VbpqaxLQ 4.0 iPhone 4 FaceTime
VibratorCapability /9luHerXthRoPoNt/PVkTg Whether the device has a vibrator
video-camera nteaxwXwZWYUI9z46VDRnA 3.0 iPhone 3GS Can record videos
video-stills PxLTGkQx9GkeYcJKOaZguA 6.0 ? Can take photo during video recording
VideoStillsCapability 84iheBmhAmsxIlcxG4a0zA 6.0 ? Can take photo during video recording
VMUniqueDeviceIDData sjGZBQzow3yV/IOa0wCeoQ
voice-control tuwdHA2NDGnLajCo5K3UUA 3.0 iPhone 3GS Device supports Voice Control (predecessor to Siri)
voip 9ZqSL68MJyQESzQFDvKqXA Device supports VoIP apps, which run continuously in the background
VolumeButtonCapability EPMipOaz6R549ljzQFXEkA The device has volume buttons.
volume-buttons 4I0hOaR3n80379Vka7u+Xg The device has volume buttons.
VolumeDownButtonCGRect PdprWthPO6YyrO6p1vLRgQ The position and height of the volume up button as a CGRect struct.
VolumeDownButtonNormalizedCGRect SbXytSPZXB1jQ8GLZOxCPw The position and height of the volume down button as a normalized CGRect struct.
VolumeUpButtonCGRect aD51uqjUwgRKjAC04BCrxg The position and height of the volume up button as a CGRect struct.
VSHCompensationMinimumNits HBf5L3fT108kze+YWeiy+w
WAGraphicQuality xYu8vn4nnbLnNTbBe0FT+w Quality to use for background graphics in the Weather app.
wapi hiHut/WR+B9Lx/vd0WyeNg Contains Wi-Fi radio.
WatchAppButtonCapability FBw/2WrPE2supEKosxxoTw
watch-companion fucd7llSuoCNHrrvLS1QQg Device can be paired to an Apple Watch.
WatchKeyboardCapability MQJ1mlVrhOwaUUVJehJSVA The Apple Watch device is capable of displaying a software keyboard.
WatchSupportsAutoPlaylistPlayback CnoPCMssOh+xPJJo6pvnog Whether the watch supports auto-playlist playback
WatchSupportsHighQualityClockFaceGraphics Zmd7xYUw9EutGXifzpvfsA Whether the watch supports high quality clock face graphics
WatchSupportsListeningOnGesture Xa9nxhMDoHTdmrn/FufA3g Whether the watch supports siri with AOP
WatchSupportsMusicStreaming /bfa1LxXd7G1WqHujpjsdA The Apple Watch device is capable of playing back music streamed from the internet.
WatchSupportsSiriCommute mY5R+ZIWxy5BDEEZTeWlHQ Whether the watch supports Siri Watch Face Commute
wifi mtHZd1H8XJ2DMVtNVUSkag Contains Wi-Fi radio.
wi-fi P6z8eNrRPcv0AcKPML0iow Contains Wi-Fi radio.
WifiAddress gI6iODv8MZuiP0IA+efJCw The MAC address of the built-in Wi-Fi adapter, as a string.
WifiAddressData eZS2J+wspyGxqNYZeZ/sbA The MAC address of the built-in Wi-Fi adapter, as binary data.
WifiAntennaSKUVersion sFTm4FEVKVfdZ0ChdwQY1g Watch WiFi antenna SKU version
WiFiCallingCapability /6FWCRjN1yRdUABG9vF8ow The device is capable of Wi-Fi calling on the primary line.
WifiCallingSecondaryDeviceCapability eLfYx8jpSlim2NZFIonPzA The device is capable of Wi-Fi calling on the secondary line.
WifiChipset NaA/zJV7myg2w4YNmSe4yQ The model of Wi-Fi chipset installed in the device. Typically a 4-digit Broadcom model number.
WiFiChipsetRevision wYMBabAO8VguyDDVgCsPdg Hardware revision of the Wi-Fi chipset.
WifiFirmwareVersion uB6I2WImAHd8DEGuqYcMbw Firmware currently booted on the Wi-Fi chip.
WifiVendor c7fCSBIbX1mFaRoKT5zTIw The manufacturer of the Wi-Fi chipset. Typically Broadcom.
WirelessBoardSnum XrPbSCNx9X7Lyw9oGPgMDQ Serial number of the device's wifi board. Not to be confused with the device serial number (kMGQSerialNumber) or the baseband's serial number (kMGQBasebandSerialNumber)
WirelessChargingCapability PpmzzBVLpZVubmP0tCIymg The device can charge wirelessly, whether through the Qi charging standard, or Apple Watch proprietary charging design.
WLANBkgScanCache PLQ6xgfGji63NbFu+sjeYg Whether the device supports wlan backgound scan caching.
WorkoutUltraMode fu+4kyf8VcMBtgbMyJlLtg
WSKU gD8SNRcHQeIxCAvsp+2vjA WiFi Antenna SKU Info
YonkersChipID 2/q9qmqGigMfkzY830Zf2g Chip model of TrueDepth "version 2" hardware
YonkersSerialNumber 67Dsh4G8EGQp4WbPDfS/Xw Serial number of TrueDepth "version 2" hardware
YonkersUID bwLsbkp4shhHuNB5VpRa8w returns the device's Yonkers UID
youtube pCbWB0w5vhsKbGJHs/c1jQ YouTube app accessible. Removed in iOS 6.0 beta 4
youtubePlugin 81Zj1535/jeXbmfOndlIVA YouTube Safari plugin accessible
